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Alain Bolea has overseen the Keahak project from the moment Adamus first announced it on April 2, 2011. After being so intimately involved with this amazing program, we wanted to get his perspective on the experience of Keahak.

Shaumbra Magazine: This is our 9th year of Keahak. You’ve been part of managing it since the beginning. What are your observations? How has it evolved?

Alain: The program was a big mystery. Nobody knew about it, then Adamus announced it and gave a timetable to get it all set up, so it was sort of organized panic to get all that done in a very short time. In the beginning we were just trying to guess what was needed to set up the best possible program without knowing what it was, which was a challenge. But in hindsight, I see it as a long evolution for something that started very mental, because we were trying to organize it, to something that’s as far from mental as it could be. And I think we’ve certainly experienced this dismantling of the mind, so to speak. And with that is, of course, the letting go and allowing things to evolve.

Also, it was really the very point of the wedge that first year with the 99 participants. There was a lot of enthusiasm and dedication and intention from the participants and staff, but truthfully it was hard to see where we were going then. It was really the point of opening something, and over the years, the wedge has opened more and more and more space in consciousness. My sense is that after a certain point, I think around year 4, that wedge was wide enough that the Keahak consciousness started spilling into the other materials coming through Adamus.

SM: I’m thinking of that first tip of the wedge. How many people of those original 99 are still with it?

Alain: I would say about 90% of them. Sometimes people take a year off to kind of expand, and then come back. But I think the wedge is not just the people. It’s the energy expansion that happens.

SM: For you personally, how do you perceive Keahak as affecting your life? Is there anything you’d like to share about your personal experience?

Alain: It has affected my awareness, and of course, that impacts my life and how I show up in the world has changed. So, there has been a change, even though it’s hard to define. I think the biggest thing is for me, being a very mental, very analytical person, is now being able to get into a place where I can feel – it’s not really intuition, it’s a knowing that comes through – and allowing it to be and not trying to say, “Well, if I can’t explain it, then it doesn’t exist.” Allowing the not-speakable, the what-you-cannot-put-to-words, to be.

SM: If I’m new to Crimson Circle and want an idea of what Keahak is all about, what would you tell me?

Alain: Don’t rush. There’s plenty of time for Keahak. Explore other things that will help you deepen the Keahak experience. Keahak is not a linear curriculum, it’s an expansion. So if you’re not quite there for this year, don’t worry about it. And don’t get into that thing of “I want the best, I want the most cutting edge,” because that’s a mental human desire. There are Crimson Circle courses that will make a huge difference, and by the time you do get to Keahak, you will hear things differently.

SM: Are there any specific materials you’d recommend?

Alain: There are some fundamental materials that change the way one looks at things, the human belief systems that are pretty much embedded in everybody to an extent. But the Sexual Energies School, Aspectology, Journey of the Angels, DreamWalker Death, Wound of Adam, these are the biggies. And then go into the Master’s Life Series, because that follows a very nurturing – and sometimes challenging – path. Very much like Keahak, we didn’t see where it was going until we’re on Master’s Life 8 and turn back and see where Adamus has taken us.

SM: What’s your favorite thing about Keahak?

Alain: I think it’s those amazing nano-second moments where I can feel into it. They’re very brief but I know they’re there, and the art is not to try to put it into words. And therefore, the art is not trying to explain it to anybody. It’s just to stay with that un-describable feeling that you got it, this moment of getting the whole thing without being able to explain the parts.

SM: How is Keahak is different than other classes and workshops?

Alain: It’s really a journey. It’s a commitment because it lasts 12 months. It’s also every other week. You get stretched mentally, challenged mentally, and expanded in your awareness. Sometimes it gets very challenging, and usually where it shows up is irritation or even anger, to the point where you almost can’t stand it. And then, two weeks later when the themes reappear, you’re like, “Yeah, there’s no big deal here.” Then you step back and realize that’s where the expansion has happened.

Also, Keahak is more intimate and personal than the Shouds, because Adamus is addressing a smaller, very committed group of people. There’s a beautiful blend of both Adamus’ and St. Germain’s energy in Keahak, whereas the Shouds are mostly Adamus. When he works with a much broader audience, he tends to do more entertaining and distracting. In Keahak, he gets right to the point because there’s no audience to interact with. I can feel him pushing the boundaries and going deeper into the physics and experiences in Keahak.

SM: Any final comments?

Alain: Keahak requires a commitment. We get together online twice a month, and it’s very important to keep up with the sessions because Adamus builds on one session to the next. After listening to Keahak you go through the experience of that session in your life in the next two weeks. The commitment is ultimately to yourself, and to your embodied Realization in this lifetime. Adamus says that going into Embodied Realization is a natural occurrence, and ultimately Keahak helps you to go into it with more grace and ease, and with a lot more understanding of what you’re going through, and why you’re going through it.

SM: Thank you for your comments, and for managing this incredibly important Shaumbra program.

About Keahak

Adamus introduced us to the term “Keahak” in March 2011. He said it means “spirit in experience” (kea) and “energy in action/motion” (hak). It is an ancient word, he said, representing the part of you that connects to and brings in the energies. The Keahak program is a unique year-long journey with Adamus, as he guides you toward Embodied Realization. It is for those who want a deeper and more frequent connection with the wisdom of Adamus and the Crimson Council. The messages can be supportive or provocative, always very insightful and, at times, very intense. They go beyond the discussions and experiences in the monthly Shoud messages, taking Keahakers to a new level of consciousness and energy in their lives.

For more information please CLICK HERE

1 comments on "Keahak – Into the Unknown "

  • Patti on June 6, 2019 10:45 AM said:
    Excellent interview. Excellent summary and insights of a difficult to describe experience. And thanks for sharing your personal experiences.

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