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Imagine this:

After traveling from a far-away place, you arrive at last on a tropical island. The climate is warm, the air is soft, and you’re tired but happy. After settling into your lodging, you get in a car and head out toward your final destination. Down the highway, past shopping centers and through neighborhoods, you finally see an unassuming little number sign. The entrance is so inconspicuous it could be easily missed, but here you are at last. Turning into the drive, you’re immediately surrounded by lush greenery, gorgeous flowers, and a little sign pointing toward the parking area. Rather than a typical asphalt parking lot, this one is covered in soft welcoming grass.

You get out of the car, excited, a little nervous, and awed by the beauty. Off to the right a little pathway leads to a delightful garden, and in front of you a sweeping staircase invites you upward. The stone walls are home to lush bits of moss and delicate seedlings, giving them the appearance of having been there since forever, yet the whole place is brand new. In a way, it’s reflecting your own sense of self – ancient and brand new all at once. Energy and consciousness is radiating from every corner and, even though you’re one of the first to arrive, it already feels full. You climb the steps and turn to take in a magnificent view of the ocean. There is nothing you can do for a moment except breathe.

Your hands rest on the railing, drawing your attention to its smooth, rich beauty. Looking around, you can feel the skill, pride and love that went into every inch of it, not to mention the walls, the roof, the floor, the steps, the lights, the handles, the landscaping – everything. The gorgeous sapele wood covering the inner surfaces is warm and cozy. The huge silent fans above keep the air moving in a gentle flow. The floor is a rich mirage of color and life. The smallest details of this place radiate dignity and joy, as if every little part were specifically designed for you in this moment, inviting you to relax into the nurturing beauty. Even though you are a visitor, it feels as if you’ve come home. You realize this is your energy serving you, and it tingles throughout your entire being.

This, my friends, is the Shaumbra Pavilion, an incredible space newly built just for you on the luminous grounds of Villa Ahmyo.

I recently had the privilege of spending a few days at the Villa. It was for some much needed ‘me time,’ plus I wanted to check on the progress of the Pavilion and add my energies to the project. By the time I left, the construction phase was practically complete, and other staff members would soon be arriving to set up the lighting, sound and other technical systems.

The Villa itself is a remarkable center of Shaumbra energy. From the minute I entered the house, I felt the air thick with radiance and passion. Chosen as a place to ground the energies of the Ahmyo Life and serve Shaumbra for many years to come, it has been infused with so much consciousness that the solitude is never empty. It’s a nurturing place of peace, balance and tranquility.

The amazing thing is that, whether or not you ever set foot on the property, because of the radiant network all of us have created (which I spoke about in Santa Fe), you can tap into it at any time and bring it into your own reality. Take a deep breath and feel into the gentle energy of Aloha – the Hawaiian word for “love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy” – and the joyful sense of arrival and completion from all who come to this place, past and future. It’s right here for you, available in every moment.

By the way, I noticed something interesting about the Villa while there: It is truly a “sovereign domain” on Earth. In other words, while it has been created from the love and generosity of all Shaumbra, Geoff and Linda are the custodians, so it is permeated with their energy. The practical side of this was most pronounced when I used the Villa van. It lives contentedly in the garage until its service is required, but I swear that car knows who it belongs to! More than once I was driving around and had the sense of something like an extra security system on board, providing constant subtle feedback and alerting me to concerns that might otherwise go unnoticed. It was very interesting to experience an “inanimate object” being so clearly in service, and I realized we can each do the same with our own belongings. By loving, caring for and choosing them, they are enabled to provide multiple levels of service and awareness. In fact, I experienced this with nearly everything throughout the Villa and surrounding property.

But back to the main attraction – our Shaumbra Pavilion. Beautifully designed by Horace Dinu, a Shaumbra architect, and built over the last several months with the best quality materials by workers who truly love the project, this magical place is a breathtaking example of the fusion of consciousness and energy. During my stay at the Villa, I walked many times down the curved and gently lighted steps to the Pavilion, whether to meet the workers, look at the latest progress, or just admire the view. And every single time I stepped into the space, I felt waves of shivers and goosebumps. Even if I just popped down for a moment to look at something or play with Belle, our beautiful doggie guardian, I would be caught off guard by the waves of energy suddenly racing through my body. The vitality is palpable!

Speaking of dear Belle, I usually feel more drawn to kitties, but this beautiful four-legged being could win anyone’s heart! She’s never happier than when lounging close by or even supervising the humans in their tasks. While her official residence is at the neighbor’s house next door, she has adopted the Villa as her own. Every morning she brings a gift, usually a single leaf or maybe some other treasure, and exchanges it for a doggie treat. She is friends with all the workers and brings her balancing energy to share with attendees at every event, whether they are lounging in the grass, standing by the pool or – soon – sitting beneath the Pavilion’s roof.

The Pavilion is astonishing in its simple splendor. It’s like a sacred temple, open on three sides, the broad roof supported by pillars of wood rather than stone, the heart of a site that is consecrated to transformation. I spoke with Horace one day, and he was marveling at the months and years of synchronicities that led to that very moment. With awe in his voice he said, “It’s unbelievable. I feel like I’m working on the gates of heaven.” That’s exactly what we’ve created, Shaumbra, right here on Earth!

Eventually it was time to go, but I wanted one more moment to watch one more sunset. As I stood in the welcoming, wide-open Pavilion surrounded by the gorgeous view of the ocean, the warm glow of the setting sun, the lushness of nature and the chorus of birds and coqui frogs, dear Shaumbra, I saw your faces there. I felt the Masters who bring their light to this magical place, weave it together, and add to the radiance that’s flowing through All That Is.

It’s a bit overwhelming to feel what all of us have done.

5 comments on "The Ahmyo Life"

  • Isolde on October 23, 2019 4:54 AM said:
    Que hermoso el relato. Se siente la energía del lugar. Quiero estar allí.
  • Anni on October 22, 2019 11:04 PM said:
    Thank you for a wonderful tour of this magical place.. I now can close my eyes and have some Alone time there ..it will be my holyday anytime I choose... However I will be physically visiting ...one way or another ..with love from South Africa xxx
  • Adori Gonzalez Izarra on October 21, 2019 2:38 PM said:
    La gran "comunicadora " de experiencias bellas y sublimes, querida Jean, nos invita a sentir toda la belleza y creación de un lugar QUE UNE EL CIELO Y LA TIERRA. No más palabras e ir a sentirlas allí será el mejor regalo. Yo estaré allí en Abril para disfrutarlo, participando en Energy Work. Sin palabras...Yuuuupi
  • Kathy A Ness on October 21, 2019 1:58 PM said:
    Breathtaking...thank you Jean..love to you!!
  • Maria Luisa Laveda on October 14, 2019 4:14 PM said:
    Se siente como el cielo en la tierra. Gran parte de esa maravillosa energía, se comunica con el lector.. Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia. 🌈

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