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Construction of the new Shaumbra Pavilion at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii is finally complete!

The finishing touches went in just before the November 2 Shoud, when it started hosting the first groups of Shaumbra. Kahuna Kealoha will conduct the Blessing Ceremony on November 8, and after that we’ll be using the pavilion for workshops, live Shouds, and Cloud Class videos for many years to come. For Linda and me, it’s a dream come true to have a place in paradise to bring forth Embodied Realization with Shaumbra.

The project started more than a year ago when Shaumbra architect Horace Dinu did a rendering of the pavilion. After finding a General Contractor and going through plans and budgets, construction started in early December 2018. Now, surrounded with great anticipation, the pavilion is ready to serve us. If you read Jean Tinder’s article in last month’s magazine, you’ll realize that even Adamus would be proud of the pavilion with its elegant design, fine hardwoods and beautiful environment. Last month the technical crew of Peter Orlando, Marc Ritter and Horace Dinu installed the production equipment including a professional sound system, professional lighting, and state-of-the-art cameras so we can do just about any kind of event, webcast, workshop or filming from the Shaumbra Pavilion.

Let me share with you a little more of the vision that led to the birth of the Shaumbra Pavilion.

Adamus has made it clear that many Shaumbra will be experiencing their Realization in the next few years, and many more will follow soon after. In other words, we’re here. After countless and challenging lifetimes, we’re now ready to allow our Realization while staying in our physical bodies. We chose to do it at this Time of Machines, when the world can use a huge infusion of embodied consciousness. We’ve learned that, as humans, we cannot “do” the Realization but we can allow it. With the maturity and wisdom we’ve gathered over the years, we are now ready. Adamus says it’s not a matter of “if” because it’s a done deal. Now we just finish the experience of getting here.

Back to the Shaumbra Pavilion in Kona: We were guided to buy Villa Ahmyo two years ago, knowing that it would become the epi-center for Shaumbra’s Embodied Realization. No matter if you ever come to a workshop in Hawaii or not, and no matter where you live in the world, Villa Ahmyo will be a grounding and nurturing center for the work we have ahead of us as Masters. You’ll be able to tap into these sacred energies no matter where you are. It reminds me of the birthing portals on the island of Kauai, where Tobias said so many of us came through for our first lifetimes as Lemurians. The Shaumbra Pavilion at Villa Ahmyo will be a sacred space for our Embodied Realization, and one of the doorways we use for walking between the worlds, including New Earth.

With the completion of the project, Villa Ahmyo has been transformed into a unique safe sanctuary where Shaumbra can allow consciousness to expand. In addition to the design and construction of the building and installation of technical equipment, the transformation brought nature in closer with sweeping staircases, retaining walls built of the island’s lava rock, and lush new gardens with fruit trees, plants and flowers.

The energy of Villa Ahmyo has expanded, and you can add your energy to the Pavilion in many ways. The link below has information on how to participate in the project, whether energetically and/or financially, on November 8 during our blessing ceremony and beyond. If you want to meld your financial energy to the Shaumbra Pavilion, you can choose to contribute $25, $50, $100 or whatever amount you’d like.

We have been able to fund the project without incurring any debt, but, in truth, the costs have been high in order to match the vision. Your support and energy-input are greatly appreciated.

CLICK HERE to add your energy and/or make a financial contribution to the new Shaumbra Pavilion:

3 comments on "Add Your Energy to the Shaumbra Pavilion"

  • Judith Beck-Meyer on April 14, 2020 7:01 AM said:
    Im Wissen, dass Alles was Innen ist, auch im Außen ist und umgekehrt, vermute ich , dass dieser wundervolle Ort auch in meinem Inneren ist ! vermutlich nah an meinem Herzen und an der Atmung. Mit jedem tiefen Atemzug zieht der Lufthauch auch durch den Pavillon, mit Begeisterung ! Innen wie Außen.
  • Jean Yapi on December 3, 2019 7:44 AM said:
    Just Muah for the Shaumbra Pavilion. Namaste!
  • Wim Salwa on November 7, 2019 3:48 PM said:
    Lidia and I love your dream come true new project. Wish we were here. Hugs !

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