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“I’d like you to feel into not only what you’ve done on this planet, how far you’ve come, but I’d like you to feel into your time of coming to Realization. This is it. No more wavering. No more letting doubts get in your way. No more holding back. It’s time for you to be who you truly are once again. It’s been a long, long time, a long, long time of your true Self – your genuine Self, your Free Self – getting covered up, getting lost. And then as you try to emerge out of that, you always have this feeling that something is pulling you back, holding you back. But not anymore. It’s time for your Realization, and all you have to do is relax into it. That’s it. Use this time right now while you’re at home to relax into your Realization.

So shares Adamus in this special “Convergence” message to Shaumbra on March 24, 2020. Whew! Yes, so feeling into this…

Before the world went tilt, I was fortunate to attend the recent Energy Works workshop in Hawaii in February, where Adamus told us “No more waiting.” It was time and we were ready! He also finally told us his definition of Realization: Understanding that all energy is ours and is here to serve us. Simple. Profound. And sometimes f*ckin’ hard to practice, oops, allow!

So here we are, Shaumbra. This is what we’ve been waiting for! And all the time to allow it now with the gift of the coronavirus pandemic. House arrest so to speak. We are all ordered more or less globally “not to leave home” or travel. To self-isolate for the next few weeks or possibly months. (And I do appreciate those of you who are still working essential services and don’t have this luxury! Thank you.)

I have joked online that this is “what I’ve been training for all my life!” And it is. However, I have to admit that, until Adamus’ message, I wasn’t taking it as seriously as the gift it truly is. I only started slowing down in the last couple days. Like many, I’ve been consumed by the news; trying not to add to or feed on the drama, but seriously watching too much. Too many conversations online. Too many humorous memes to share. Too many Trump WTF’s? It’s kind of like watching Rome burn. I’m exhausted!

I’ve also spent the time, like many, stocking up on canned beans, dog food (for the dogs, I hope) and toilet paper. Oh, and wine. (I hear alcohol kills the virus!) Walking in our mall that has turned into a ghost town and actually enjoying the novelty of it all. When was the last time we lined up at the butchers, the bakers? Outside? 6 feet apart?

But I’m done. Today it stops. To really appreciate this time “home alone.” To really feel and relish and cherish this space we have created to allow our Realization. No more distractions! No more “doing” vs being.

For many Shaumbra this may not be much of a change, but I challenge you to look at ways you still may want to stay busy during this time of allowing. I know I made a list – clean my closet, clean my car, clean the garage, clean my computer files, clean up my garden. Gad! And to date I haven’t done a damn thing! Maybe because it’s time to clean my calendar of “to do’s” and instead write some “to allow’s”? Maybe another “C” of Convergence is Cancel?

Yes, I know, “work” and being busy is so entrenched in being human. Activity equals worthiness in the world. Nothing will happen if we don’t “make” it happen. How can we “make” money if we don’t “work” or do something? It’s a difficult human mindset to release! I’ve struggled with this one and it’s kind of a relief now to tell people I’ve retired. Actually, really retired from working at working!

However, in reality, I’ve never felt “jobs” and the way the world was working was right. I’ve danced between working for others – and hating it – and doing my own thing. In my last position as a Regional Sales Manager, I remember climbing up those stairs to my office at 8:00 am knowing I probably wouldn’t come down again until 5:00 pm. Leaving my home, my family and my dog to make money to enjoying keeping my home, my family and my dog. The definition of insanity! Remember Tobias’ classic story of the box? Wake up in a box, eat from a box, get in a box to drive to a box to work in a box. We didn’t have telecommuting back then, which I pushed for, so instead I walked out of my box one day never to return.

That was almost 16 years ago, shortly after I had discovered the Crimson Circle. I didn’t qualify for unemployment since I quit, nor severance because I wasn’t fired or laid off. In fact, I’d been offered a promotion. I had some retirement savings, which in Canada are called Registered Retirement Savings Plan or RRSP’s. I renamed them “Really Reserved for Spiritual Purposes” and so they were!

And so began my adventure in “self-unemployment,” as Tobias called it. I’ve never really “worked” for someone else since. I’ve also never had the paycheck or the benefits either, but you know what? I am here. I realize now in retrospect how I started, with much fear, to learn to allow energy to serve me, and it has, always bringing what I needed, when I needed it. Hell, yes, I still created and worried and kept actively “pushing energy” that I thought I needed to do for several years. But I marvel now, seeing how it has all worked out through my husband’s death, taxes and house fires. Like many, I’ve lost everything, but found “my true Self. My free Self!”

However now that I finally am realizing what Realization really is, it IS time to truly relax into it. I can allow deeper now, with less distractions and more trust, 17 years later. IT IS ALL MY ENERGY and it is here to serve me. We’re all at this place where it can’t be a fluffy woo woo theory anymore, and we have been gifted with a grand opportunity to allow it to unfold in our lives! Not just talk about it but live it, whatever that looks like for you at this time. Yes, the toilet paper will appear when you need it. Maybe on the store shelf, maybe from a neighbour. I felt guided to take some chili to the neighbour next door last night; now he may need my toilet paper! Everything I have required to date has appeared and I feel very abundant and grateful. Especially now with the abundance of free time which Adamus talked about in the Abundance Clinic years ago.

We know the world is going through a collective wake-up call, and for many it is the “dark night of the soul” that most Shaumbra have already experienced. The dragon has entered. They are freaking out about food and bills and staying alive. I see the posts on social media and the fear in the news stories. I have compassion, allowing them their experience, and will help when I feel it. I’ve been there and so have you. They have no frickin’ idea that all energy is theirs and still live in “scare city” which is now crumbling around them.

But you and I do know that there is no outside energy to get or wait for to rescue us. It’s why the Order of the Arc can pack up it’s tent and go home. We did it. Now it’s time to live it as embodied Masters and be an example for others who will wake up during this grand shake-up on the planet. This is why we are here, to radiate this Consciousness.

So, let’s put aside the distractions and “to-dos” to use this glorious downtime to truly allow our Realization with ease and grace – in our jammies! We’ve got this, Shaumbra!

Home sweet home.

Tammie O’Rielly is currently relaxing into her realization at home in the Okanagan, BC, Canada where she is doing as little as possible except enjoying life, drinking wine and still walking the dogs (when she does get out of her pajamas)! Somehow, she still received the Crimson Circle “Inspire Consciousness” award in 2019. She can be reached at [email protected] or on Facebook.

5 comments on "Home Sweet Home"

  • Rosana Veiga Guimarães on April 27, 2020 2:57 PM said:
  • Noelle Crocker on April 24, 2020 6:25 PM said:
    Wise words and from a fellow Canadian too! Thank you for sharing your experience right now. I feel much the same. Blessings!
  • Noelle Crocker on April 17, 2020 6:30 PM said:
    Wise words and from a fellow Canadian too! Thank you for sharing your experience right now. I feel much the same. Blessings!
  • Dianeroy on April 17, 2020 1:30 PM said:
    Merci beaucoup MastersTammy Ton article m'inspire, c'est bon de te lire xxx
  • Edward Gallego on April 11, 2020 11:43 AM said:
    Muchas gracias por tan gran mensaje, Es el momento de aprovechar esta gran tiempo de "no hacer" para permitir el "Ser" simplemente y abrazar sin distracciones nuestra divinidad.

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