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SHAUMBRA MAGAZINE: How and when did you find the Crimson Circle?

CAROLINA: It was the year 2010. I was minding my own business, going through life, when I received a phone call from my dad. He asked “Caro, would you like to go to Egypt?” And I was like, “Okay, what do I have to do?” Then he told me about the Crimson Circle and that they were planning to go to Egypt, and it would be wonderful to go and so on. “But there’s one thing,” he said, “You have to do a crash course.” So, I did both SES and Aspectology in the next three or four months, and it was like love at first sight. I got really hooked into it. Then we went to Egypt, it was amazing, and the rest is history!

SM: So, you weren’t consciously searching?

CAROLINA: No, not really.

SM: That’s not the usual way people find Crimson Circle, but maybe it’s more painless.

CAROLINA: It was painful afterward! (laughter)

SM: What do you do now for Crimson Circle?

CAROLINA: I have the weekend shifts for customer service. I see the emails that come in, answer questions when needed, and so on.

SM: What kind of skills did you bring?

CAROLINA: Well, I’ve been trained as an Environmental Engineer, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with customer service. I think it’s more about soft skills such as intuition and being able to empathize with others, having gone through many things myself in the past ten years. And it was just a synchronistic connection that got me here.

SM: You haven’t spent a lot of time on the job yet, but how is it going?

CAROLINA: The difficult part is actually the language. I would love to be more fluent in English so I could have more of my personality in what I do. I get frustrated that I can’t really be funny and sarcastic when I’m working in customer service, but I guess it’s fine (laughing). Instead I am very polite and formal, and people respond better to that.

SM: Is there anything you particularly like about the job?

CAROLINA: Because I’m familiar with the material, I like being able to point people to things that might be helpful for them. I also like that the work schedule is not as fixed as with a regular 9 to 5 job, that I am able to do it no matter where I am (providing there is an Internet connection), and that is with a company that offers a product I actually love and enjoy.

SM: What do you feel passionate about?

CAROLINA: Well, passion went out the window years ago (laughing). As I mentioned, I studied Environmental Engineering, so I was really passionate about saving the planet and teaching everyone how to be more environmentally conscious and all that. Then one day Adamus said, “There are no green Masters,” and I was like “What??” It was a very sad day for me, but the passion had already started to fade away. You kind of cling to it because it’s the thing that keeps you going, but when he said that I knew I really had to let it go. It’s been like six years and it’s not entirely gone, but close. So, any of the traditional kind of passion that we used to have is gone.

Today, maybe my passion is when I have those “aha” moments, like we all have sometimes. That keeps me going. It’s really cool to find out that what Adamus says is actually true, surprisingly so! It’s kind of scary sometimes, but it’s fun.

SM: What is your favorite material from Crimson Circle?

CAROLINA: Oh, that’s a difficult one. It always depends on what you’re going through. Master’s Life, especially the 6th one, was exactly what I needed at that moment. Egypt was mind blowing. Threshold – I think Threshold would be the before and after point. Everything changed with that.

SM: Anything else you’d like to share with Shaumbra?

CAROLINA: We shouldn’t take anything too seriously, always have fun with everything that happens in our lives, and laugh at ourselves!

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