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SHAUMBRA MAGAZINE: How and when did you find Crimson Circle?

NAZAR: In January 2009 I had just come back from visiting Egypt and my first time in the pyramids. I was surfing the internet and finding a lot of Russian translations of channeled materials. At some point, I happened to stumble across this guy with a pretty regular name, Tobias, and started reading. It had a weird title, called “World Wide Weather,” but it didn’t matter. Having read only a few sentences, I instantly felt the connection. You can’t really describe that with words, just the instant recognition of somebody that you’ve already known for a very long time. I read that Shoud, then went to the website and started to read everything, but that first encounter I remember clearly. I even have the visual, like a screenshot of the screen, the interface of the website, rooted firmly in my memory. It was beautiful.

SM: What do you do for Crimson Circle?

NAZAR: Nothing! (laughter) I’m the mascot. Well, currently, I run Crimson Circle social media and, in a few days, or two weeks, we’ll start a new project which is related to social media, but something completely new and different. I’m not going to talk about it right now, because we’re going to launch it during the Time of the Merlin. So go buy your ticket right now! (laughter) I might also be doing some design work in the future and some other creative stuff. It’s been less than a month and it’s still very fresh and unfolding in multiple directions simultaneously. But it’s fun, it’s unpredictable and I like it.

SM: What have you done before, what skills do you bring to the job?

NAZAR: I have a lot of cool skills! Like… I can cook! (laughter) Well, I am a designer. I can do graphic design but I’m more a user interface and user experience (UI/UX) designer, more IT stuff. I worked in offices, then moved to freelance, but in general, I’ve been doing that for almost a decade and social media work for four or five years. For the last five years, I’ve been freelancing here and there with different clients, on and off, and it’s never been day-to-day work like it is with Crimson Circle now. But I enjoy it. It was my choice, my own initiative. Actually, it was an old dream of mine – to work or somehow co-create with Crimson Circle, apart from the translation work that I do. Oh, by the way, I am also the coordinator – and usually the reviewer – for the Russian translations. And I do the Keahak audio translations, which I love a lot.

SM: What are the wonderful parts of your job, and are there any challenges?

NAZAR: I wouldn’t say it’s a challenge, just that I’m not used to working, let’s say, five days a week, because I’ve been freelancing most of the time. But I am getting used to it. Also, this first month it’s been a lot of figuring out who to talk to when I have a question, how do I access a certain file, etc. What I like is the communications we have inside the team. We are all professionals, and I appreciate what others do and who they are as human beings. It’s beautiful. I also like that we have these manager meetings every week, where we share what each department is doing and also hear occasional updates from Geoff about what Adamus is planning. I love the fact that even my spontaneous ideas about other new projects have been welcomed, and not rejected outright like happens in other companies when you’re new. Here is different, it feels warm and cozy.

SM: What do you feel passionate about? What would you like Shaumbra to know about you?

NAZAR: Well, my only passion for many years is basically getting to know myself deeper and deeper, and everything else kind of falls to the side. Not like it means nothing, but it doesn’t have that passion feeling that a normal human would assign to things, like creative passion or whatever. I have a lot of interests in different areas like design, filmmaking and video editing, social media, writing and sharing my personal experiences, traveling. And I like juggling all these different things. But my true passion is opening up to the core of my true natural self.

What I enjoy the most right now is that I am able to use all those seemingly random skills and interests in the work Crimson Circle is doing. And the fact that we all are ‘making’ the materials that are, in its core, about getting to know thyself, is just the best part of it all. It’s all kind of merging together – the human skills and my true passion in this beautiful… I don’t even want to call it ‘work,’ I will use the word ‘co-creation.’

1 comments on "Meet the Staff - Nazar Fedunkiv"

  • Ieda T. Alves on March 3, 2022 2:44 PM said:
    Olá Nazar Fedunkiv Agradeço por seu belo trabalho, junto a esse maravilhoso grupo, Crimson Circle. Grande abraço!

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