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SHAUMBRA MAGAZINE: How and when did you find Crimson Circle?

GAIL: In 2002 I went to a little gathering in Toronto which had Steve Rother, Geoffrey & Linda and someone else whose name I can’t recall at the moment. That’s where I met them there, and I put it in the back of my mind that if they come a little further east, then I would try and attend a workshop. At one point they came to Chicago, so I jumped on a bus and went to that event. At that time in 2005, Saint-Germain was starting to come in a little more often, and I remember having to wait several weeks to get the transcripts. At the time, I didn’t have the technology where I could actually listen to the Shouds when they occurred, so I would wait for the transcripts. I was like, “Oh my god, I have to hear what Saint-Germain said!” and it was so hard to wait three weeks for it. So, I approached Linda at the workshop in Chicago and said, “I can do these transcripts really quickly,” and she just said “Okay, you can start doing them for us,” just like that. So that’s when I started doing transcripts, and the rest is history.

SM: This is kind of obvious, but we always ask, what skills did you bring to the job and what have you gained on the job?

GAIL: Well, of course the typing skills. And what I’ve gained, well, the wonderful Crimson Circle community, folks out there who are like me. It’s been wonderful.

SM: What’s your word-per-minute?

GAIL: Back in 1979 I typed 113 words a minute on a typewriter. I haven’t tested myself since then, so that’s what I always say. Although it’s probably a bit faster on a computer.

SM: So, your job consists of transcribing all the recordings we send you. Is there anything you dislike about the job?

GAIL: Oh, no! It’s the most wonderful thing in the world. I mean, I have got to be the luckiest person in the world. It is an absolute joy which I look forward to all the time. It is just unbelievable. I don’t even know how I got so lucky.

SM: Is there anything that you’d like to share with Shaumbra about yourself, like what’s your passion?

GAIL: You know, my passion is sitting on that bench. I was sitting on a bench back in 1995, that’s literally what I used to do! And I would say to myself, “It seems to me like all I really have to do is just kind of sit here and radiate.” That’s what I used to do the time! And to find that that was okay, that I was right in thinking that was the way to go, is just unbelievable.

My passion is really simply to just sit on the park bench. Really. I love to get my coffee and bask in the sun and just enjoy. That’s my one and only passion! I look forward to that. I still sort of work a job, but when I have my days off, that’s all I do, really.

SM: That’s amazing! You were far ahead of your time. What is your other job?

GAIL: It’s also typing. I do word processing in a law firm at night, including some transcribing, so my days are basically free.

SM: Anything else you’d like to share?

GAIL: I’m just so blessed to know Crimson Circle, Geoffrey, Linda, everybody. It’s unbelievable. It’s just been such a wonderful, wonderful experience for me. I really, really can’t thank the group enough, and I look forward to seeing everybody again and just having a good old time.

Editor’s Note: Gail transcribes all of the Shouds, Cloud Class sessions, workshops, and just about everything Adamus says that’s recorded – we estimate more than 100,000 pages so far! Her speed is amazing. She transcribes the Shouds literally overnight, so we have the transcripts by 9 AM the next morning. Gail lives in the New York City area with her husband. She received the Inspire Consciousness award in 2018 for her tireless service to Shaumbra. We are blessed beyond words to work with her.

4 comments on "Meet the Staff - Gail Neube"

  • SHAIMAA on May 3, 2024 7:44 AM said:
    Oh, wow, wow, thank you from my Heart , those transcriptions helps me so much
  • Ieda T. Alves on March 3, 2022 1:38 PM said:
    Olá querida Gail Neube Agradeço por seu belo trabalho, junto a esse maravilhoso grupo, Crimson Circle. Grande abraço!
  • Kathy A Ness on July 27, 2020 3:42 PM said:
    I am so delighted you are here!! I too used to wait and wait for the transcripts to come out...just have to say thank you for all the work you do and am so happy you are here! Blessings
  • Mercedes Serrano on July 12, 2020 9:00 AM said:
    Hello I am Mercedes Serrano from Spain, I don't know English, for me the translations are vital, and above all your transcripts, because I pass them to the Google translator and so I know what Adamus says, I have been in CC since 2004 and thanks to Your work I am in this wonderful group. Thank you very much for a huge hug.

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