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SHAUMBRA MAGAZINE: When and how did you find Crimson Circle?

JORGE: Years ago I was searching through content related to immortality and self-healing. At the time, I was in my own “rude awakening” and searching on many different topics. When I was a child, I always had questions about the prophets and great figures in the Bible who lived for hundreds of years. Of course, the answers I got were either “It’s a matter of faith” or “The years were measured by moons.” It didn’t make any sense to me.

Those questions were always in my mind, but I continued on with life. I never believed in religious or spiritual organizations and instead always did my own research in books and, later on, the internet. I grew up without religion, other than the typical guy going to church once in a while, especially for parties. But in this “rude awakening” phase, I settled down and started searching for more, finally arriving at the Crimson Circle in 2012.

At that point, I was an avid reader of Kryon and other information, including what I was receiving personally, working as a hypnotherapist on the side. I was reading the Shouds on and off during those years, until finally, in the Freedom Series, I simply felt drawn into what Adamus was saying. Since then, I have never stopped listening to the Shouds.

Living in Utah, I sometimes felt the desire to go to one of the Shouds, because Colorado is not too far away, but I traveled a lot in my job. Finally, in January 2018, I went to Colorado for my first Shoud in person. Then, when I was watching the Shoud of June 2019, I suddenly knew I wanted to be at the July Shoud in person. I felt it clearly, like one of those things where if you don’t act immediately, it doesn’t happen! So, I pulled out my credit card and signed up.

At the July Shoud, I was sitting on the Masters Club bench chatting with different people, and Linda came by and said, “How are you? I haven’t seen you here before.” We chatted a moment and she said, “Did Geoff say hi to you already?” I thought, “Why should he say hi to me when there are another 50 people in here for him to talk to?” I thought it was very strange, but a few minutes later Geoffrey came out of the back room and said, “Hey, Jorge, how are you?” He sat down beside me and hugged me and started to chat. Within two minutes he said, “What do you do?”

It seemed like a strange question to me, but I said, “I’m a software engineer.” His eyes opened wide and he said, “Oh! What kind of software engineer?” Now, this is one of those topics I hardly ever talk about because most people don’t understand software engineering. It’s a very broad career and difficult to explain, so I never go into the details. But Geoff asked, “Do you work in programming? Project management? What specifically do you do?”

I explained that I had been a software development director for a number of years, where I was researching new technologies, artificial intelligence and all that. Then he asked for my phone number, saying he had something to talk to me about. “You know,” he said, “John Kuderka passed away several years ago and we’ve been searching for a person to fill his position.” Then he got up and left! (Sometime later he told me they weren’t having any luck filling John’s position, but Adamus told him that the person would literally show up at the door. And I did!)

Two weeks later I received an email from Geoff, which surprised me because I didn’t think he was serious. But we started to chat, I came back for another Shoud in October, and we had a business meeting with several of the other staff members. They showed me all the different technologies and some of the issues that the company was dealing with. Finally, he made a job offer in February, and I joined the Crimson Circle company on March 1st of this year.

I quickly discovered that the company is very complex! There are a lot of technologies, a lot of integrations, lots of applications and more that have been created over all these years. I am exploring all these different things and learning how they work together. It’s been very fun for me and I enjoy every minute that I’m – I was going to say “working” but it’s not work – I’m really enjoying it!

At the same time, I always enjoyed listening to the Shouds while I’m working. As a software engineer, sometimes you are just working with a computer and, especially when you know what you are doing, it’s just “A, B, C, D, etc.,” reading and analyzing and observing the system, and that’s when I like to have something like an audiobook playing. So, I’ve been doing that as well, continuing through the Shouds and other materials. It’s a real pleasure. I’m enjoying my software engineering side and I’m enjoying the Shouds and I’m getting paid for it!

SM: How would you describe what you’re doing right now?

JORGE: At this moment, it’s a process of discovery, learning all the pieces that have been put in place for the benefit of Shaumbra over the more than 20 years that Geoff has been channeling. There has been a lot of information! Lots of recordings and documents on the server, including much that is not currently available to the public.

There are going to be many aspects to this role in the future, the main one being to help Shaumbra into their Realization through the technology used by Crimson Circle. That’s the main thing. How do we do that? Well, we are thinking of projects down the road like a mobile app and creating an immense searchable database with the transcripts. We are thinking about artificial intelligence for the same purpose, and Geoff is also thinking about exploring virtual reality in the future.

That’s the 30,000-foot vision. What am I doing right now is to reverse engineer all the pieces – and the interfaces between all the pieces – that are power the Shouds, the online Cloud Classes, the archives, the website, the e-commerce site, the CC Angel database, the Shaumbra database, all the statistics we need in order to serve attendees, and the financial interfaces. There are a lot of reports that must be created and quantified, because we are anticipating big numbers of people coming in over the next few years. We have to optimize the interfaces because some of them are very manual-intensive at the moment. At some point we want to create a very nice dashboard for everyone to access things in a much easier way.

This is a very summarized picture, but of course there are a lot of challenges in every one of these things – the e-commerce, the security systems, the servers, the Cloud Classes, the streaming platforms, the databases – each one has its own wrinkles that make you feel very happy sometimes, and sometimes very sad (laughs).

Interestingly, having spent about 30 years in various technological fields, I find it an amazing “coincidence” that most of them are now in use at the Crimson Circle! It is actually rare to see so many different technologies implemented within a single company.

SM: What would you like Shaumbra to know about you?

JORGE: I was doing hypnotherapy on the side for seven or eight years, in addition to my software engineering work, and during those sessions, different entities sometimes showed up and gave me messages. In one of those messages I was told, “You, Jorge, are the bridge between humans and divinity.” Entities are funny because they never give you the whole picture; they only give you short phrases. But it was interesting that when Geoff made me the job offer, he mentioned that I will be helping Crimson Circle create a bridge between Shaumbra and their divinity through technology. It was pretty similar to what this entity said a few years ago! For me, my biggest passions are software and enlightenment, and here I am in the middle of both!

15 comments on "Meet the Staff - Jorge Merino"

  • jorge on July 13, 2022 5:42 PM said:
    I do appreciate the love and cherishing from my Shaumbra sisters and brothers. I know that we all already know each other in the many incarnations on this planet, or from the other realms. If you want to add me on FB, just look for "Jay Emash" and send me quick private message about how you found me. Warm hugs from heart to heart. 💜 ⭕️ ♠️
  • Jorge on July 13, 2022 5:42 PM said:
    Muchas gracias por todas las muestras de amor y aprecio. Y respondiendo: Soy mexicano/poblano por nacimiento en ésta vida, nacido por enésima vez el corazón de las tierras de uno de los reinos de la Atlántida. Estoy en FB como "Jay Emash", si me añades solo escribe de donde nos conocemos. Cálidos abrazos de corazón a corazón. 💜 ⭕️ ♠️
  • Ieda T. Alves on March 3, 2022 1:34 PM said:
    Olá Jorge Merino Agradeço por seu belo trabalho, junto a esse maravilhoso grupo, Crimson Circle. Grande abraço!
  • Tere Navarro on January 27, 2021 11:27 AM said:
    ¡¡Muchas felicidades Jorge!! Amé tu historia!. ¿Naciste en Estados Unidos o en México? ¿Somos paisanos entonces? Saludos!
  • Kornelia Christine Rebel on January 14, 2021 11:33 PM said:
    Dear Jorge, you have done a brilliant job so far. I really enjoy the website. It has a modern feel to it and the library is well organised. I just came to know about the crimson circle through the movie - don´t remember the title anymore. It offers a wealth of information and it is just fun to cruise around the website. Thank you.
  • Susan McClintock on June 3, 2020 5:25 PM said:
    Ahh, don't you love those coincidences! So happy to have you along for the ride, Jorge.
  • Michelle Little on April 28, 2020 8:07 AM said:
    Love the Story! ...I just love it when we follow that inner knowing and we end up in a place we never could have imagined....Thank You Jorge for doing what you do, and Being who you are! <3
  • Christina Furrer on April 26, 2020 1:56 AM said:
    Welcome Jorge what a beautiful story! Your passion and our benefit! Thanks
  • Susan McClintock on April 24, 2020 1:53 PM said:
    Ahh, don't you love those coincidences! So happy to have you along for the ride, Jorge.
  • izzy on April 24, 2020 1:42 PM said:
    Muy chévere ! Disfruta Jorge!
  • Evalus Ramirez on April 24, 2020 11:24 AM said:
    Congratulations Jorge, feel very glad for you, so lucky to be doing the things you like most and of course for all of us that are going to be benefiting from your knowledge. Big hug and thanks :)
  • Agnes Tüske on April 24, 2020 6:07 AM said:
    Looks like the universe is appreciating your knowledge, curiosity and persistence!
  • Eucaris on April 24, 2020 4:22 AM said:
    Gracias Jorge. Puedo sentir la inmensidad de ese trabajo. La conexión individual exponencialmente expandida. Un gusto conocerte. También cuenta conmigo. Abrazo.
  • J Carlos Reyes on April 24, 2020 1:57 AM said:
  • Beverley Norrena on April 23, 2020 6:43 PM said:
    Just meant to be! Welcome dear Jorge.

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