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SHAUMBRA MAGAZINE: How and when did you find Crimson Circle?

NATALIE: It actually kept coming to me. Geoff and Linda were looking for a housekeeper, and I said no because my schedule is really full. A couple years later it came back, my boyfriend mentioned it and I said no again. Then Michelle Dinu asked again, and I’m like “Okay I guess if this keeps coming back at me, I’ll try it.” And it ended up being like one of the best jobs I’ve ever had! I love it so much!

SM: Why do you love it so much?

NATALIE: It’s just so relaxed and they’re just such great employers. I feel like I can be myself and the vibes here are just so good. I actually love the house. I feel like we’re friends.

SM: What do you do for Crimson Circle?

NATALIE: I started as their housekeeper, so I try to make sure everything is clean and just feels good. Of course, I want Geoff and Linda to be happy, but I have to feel like the house feels happy and clean too, where you walk in and you’re like “Wow, this space just feels so good.”

I also help out at events. I serve food and then I get to sit in and listen, so that’s really cool. I also make sure things are stocked, but mostly it’s the cleaning.

SM: I like how you not only want to make everything clean, but you tune into the house and make sure the house is happy too!

NATALIE: Yeah, he called me a House Healer, I love that! I feel like crying right now, I just love cleaning so much. Some of my dreams are about cleaning and organizing people’s homes. I have pink rags and a pink apron, and I just love all my tools. If I buy a new mop, it’s so exciting! I just love it! (laughs)

SM: What makes you good at this job?

NATALIE: I just really enjoy it. I think would do it for free but thank goodness they pay me! I pay a lot of attention to detail, I fold toilet paper into little roses, I make sure I have the rags that I really love, prop up the pillows, and just take care of a lot of little details. I just feel into what the house needs and what it would like to make it feel more beautiful.

I’ve been cleaning for about 15 years. When I was little, maybe 4 or 5 years old, I actually had a cleaning belt and rags and spray bottles and would pretend to clean my toys (laughs). I’ll probably be cleaning until I retire.

SM: What do you like about the job?

NATALIE: I love everything! They’re so flexible with scheduling, and I like that I can do my own thing and no one has to be here. I’m reliable – I’m always too early (laughs). I just like everything.

SM: Any challenging things about your job?

NATALIE: No, I don’t think anything’s challenging. Well, maybe the construction workers and the mess that they make (laughs). But that’s job security. I really enjoy everything. Oh, one challenge would be mingling with people while I’m working at an event. It’s helping me come out of my shell more and know that I can just be myself and people aren’t going to think I’m weird. Parking duty stresses me out, but I’ve gotten good at it.

SM: Crimson Circle is kind of unusual, what’s it like to work here?

NATALIE: At first I thought it was pretty weird, but I thought “If I’m going to mingle with people I should learn the lingo,” so I started reading their books and listening in on the Shoud webcasts. And the more I read about it and learned, I realized it’s not weird and at all, and it’s really helped me actually feel lighter as a person. I feel like I’ve grown. Other people I talk to think it’s a little weird, but it’s because they don’t know anything about it, so I try to convince them it’s not.

SM: Do you have any hobbies or passions?

NATALIE: This is funny because I didn’t really feel like I had passion. But then the longer I worked here and started getting into the Shouds and the books, I feel like I have a passion just for life in general.

SM: Anything else you’d like to share about yourself?

NATALIE: If you ever walk on a wet floor, don’t make eye contact! (laughs) …

6 comments on "Meet the Staff - Natalie Harmon"

  • Natalie Harmon on April 1, 2022 11:38 PM said:
    I don’t see a way to reply to comments about my interview but I just wanted to let you ALL know that I’m surprised about the comments, they made me smile, each and every one! My heart is full. thank you
  • Anamaría Aguilar on March 24, 2022 7:21 AM said:
    Saludos Natalie, qué bonito describes tu trabajo, y el gusto que sientes por hacerlo; ya imagino lo que se puede percibir al estar en la Villa y en el entorno. Gracias por el regalo que me has dado esta mañana, y por mimar cotidianamente la casa y a sus huéspedes.
  • Tanja on March 24, 2022 4:42 AM said:
    Dear Natalie, to read your words i could feel your passionate heart and it made me feel it too. Thank you very much
  • Henrik on March 23, 2022 11:17 PM said:
    Wow! Thank you Natalie for sharing. You just beam with joy and passion! Reading this felt like sitting in the sun. Thank you for helping me change my perspective on cleaning and a happy house. Henrik
  • Emily on March 23, 2022 1:02 PM said:
    I had to comment bc this article— I never read any CC SM articles but for some reason I was called to click and read this. Wow. Beautiful. Truly so beautiful. Wow. I did not expect to get so much from this. What an amazing being!
  • Ieda T. Alves on March 3, 2022 2:49 PM said:
    Olá querida Natalie Harmon Agradeço por seu belo trabalho, junto a esse maravilhoso grupo, Crimson Circle. Grande abraço!

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