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In bringing more and more attention to sensuality in recent months, Adamus has defined several of our innate divine senses that are beyond the human sense of Focus. Some of these have been mentioned in Shouds and workshops, most have been covered extensively in Keahak.

A sense is a way of perceiving reality.” – Adamus Saint-Germain

Awareness – The first angelic sense of “I Am” that came to life when you left Home. It was the first contact with You. (1)

Beauty – Also defined as Compassion, Gratitude, Acceptance, it is the ability to be in experience and appreciate everything around you. It is an acknowledgement of the “I Exist” of everything.

Communication – From “communis,” which means “to share.” It is a knowing, a way of sharing between entities, animals, plants, anything (does not rely on words or visuals).

Compassion – Unconditional acceptance of everything as it is, beginning with yourself; very important for inter-dimensional journeys. (1)

Expression – Spirit has an incredible desire to express itself, and it WILL find a way to move; the energy has to flow, ideally in a conscious way. (1)

Focus – The ability to put your awareness, your attention into very specific places. Human “senses” are tools or ways of interpreting the sense of Focus.

Imagination – The creator sense from which every creation originates. Even this “reality” is imagination; it’s all made up.

Joy – The radiance of the I Am, felt as the creator’s smile of satisfaction; Joy is the constant pleasure of beingness.

Love – Created from the passion to return to Self, Love is something you can only experience. It has the greatest sensuality, the greatest radiance of all the senses; a tremendous ability to bring energies together.

Motion – The sense of energies responding to your consciousness, changing, evolving, shifting (not literal movement).

Self – Knowingness of the multidimensional, non-singular Self with many facets, in love with itself; the I Am in multiple expression.

Truth – The sense that allows many different ways of looking at the same thing. It is the “and.”

Unity – The sense that allows you to perceive composites. Without Unity you would only perceive individual energy particles rather than objects, people, universes.

4 comments on "Senses of the Master"

  • Adori Gonzalez Izarraqué on May 22, 2019 3:06 PM said:
    Qué genial. Desde que hice la clase de la nube , los sentidos cobraron otra dimensión Ahora soy tan consciente ,que forma parte de cómo percibo mi realidad y cómo siento mi camino hacia la Realización. Adamus nos ayuda tanto a "recordar" lo que de verdad somos y a sentir la Vida desde "Yo Existo". Gracias
  • Giggling Ellph on December 11, 2018 9:57 PM said:
    thank you so much for the reminder and the clarity! and I love to be sensing into more, and more...
  • ALAN on October 2, 2017 12:51 AM said:
    Very helpful as I am doing the Sensualit Clinic at the moment and it re-enforces the senses that have been mentioned.
  • Merlin on August 29, 2017 6:50 PM said:
    love it! thank you for putting this together! really helpful :)

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