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Wow! I love Adamus’ latest message to Shaumbra in the ProGnost 2020 Update where he encouraged us to invest in yourself – invest in digital currency/cryptocurrency (and corporations).

I started doing this very thing a few years ago after I decided to stay on the planet. “Okay,” I declared, “I will stay, live life, enjoy and have fun like never before,” and part of this, for me, is investing, something I always wanted to do. And it’s fun! I just bought a car with profits from share investments. In other words, the car didn’t cost me anything because it came from profits. I’m not talking big profits or expensive car, that’s not the point for me. It’s the fact that I played, had fun, and that I actually did it.

I began with learning and investing in the stock market, then the cryptocurrency marketplace. As a beginner in both, I loved it! Crypto is designed for Masters, in that you are responsible for your own finances; there is no bank or third party to look after you or your money.

Crypto quickly became my passion. My mind loves the learning, and it is a paradigm shift from our existing financial systems, daunting at first but terribly exciting. Its huge! There are many conscious people developing projects and working in crypto. It’s a breath of fresh air, and I’m constantly amazed at the passion, dedication, commitment, and intellect of the people driving this technology.

In the short period of time I have been in the space, I have seen incredible growth – in project development, real world applications, change in attitudes of governments, banks, financial companies, businesses – across the planet. It seems to me every country is embracing and developing crypto in one form or another.


First and foremost, because we are Shaumbra, I say that you need to be present and grounded!! Until you get the hang of it at least, then it doesn’t matter so much.

The crypto market is developing and volatile, and there are plenty of scammers to take your money, which is exactly why I’m writing this article to give you the heads up about a few things before you start. I’m not writing to give financial advice and I’m definitely not writing to give a technical overview of blockchain technology.

However, following Adamus’ lead in Keahak X of this being a ‘practical year,’ I would like to share some of the practicalities of buying and selling cryptocurrencies for those who are interested and new to crypto.

There are risks, theft being the biggest one, because scammers and hackers are savvy, intelligent and know their stuff. Therefore, knowing this, I put in place security procedures, and mindfulness. It’s all part of the game.

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets. In crypto you are your own Bank. For me, this translates to:

I AM responsible for my own finances, including buying, selling, storing, and keeping my digital assets safe.

Let’s explore a Bank analogy to help with a shift in thinking:

A physical bank is bricks and mortar, and has secure, lockable front doors. Step through those doors and armed guards are standing near the front of the bank and elsewhere, tellers stand behind screens that offer protection, both from COVID-19 and thieves. The tellers have access to lockable money drawers and a security button to press when being robbed or threatened in some way. The vault, with armoured walls and a complex locking system, is at the back of the bank, hidden and secure. Safe deposit boxes are available for customers to store their most precious items.


The bricks and mortar are your computer.

The secure front doors and armed guards become:
  • Modem and firewall – which you should already have in place
  • Software protection against viruses and malware – also something that should already be installed on your computer
  • Email service – consider a free, secure, encrypted email service, for example, ProtonMail, based in Switzerland; pay a small monthly fee to add a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which can be likened to an encrypted tunnel
  • Keep your Hotmail, Gmail, Outlook and similar accounts for normal everyday communications – remember you are setting up a secure bank
  • Create unique usernames and strong (8-12 character) passwords and enable two-factor authentication for further security; do this anywhere something has to do with crypto exchanges, including ProtonMail
  • Consider a secure, private web browser such as Brave; an added bonus is that you can earn cryptocurrency BAT (Basic Attention Token)

The bank vault and safe deposit box are:
  • Multicurrency wallets, such as Exodus, are good for storing crypto on your computer; Exodus is secure, user-friendly, and provides useful information about your assets
  • The most secure way to store bitcoin is offline. Referred to as “cold storage” – use hardware wallets such as Ledger Nano or Trezor, or paper wallets where QR codes are printed on a piece of paper
  • If you are serious and plan to invest substantial amounts, then consider an offline computer as well; this is another discussion and beyond the scope of this article

As you can see, it is quite easy to set up a bank in your own house; you are probably already 80% there. All of these things should be done before you start buying.


The marketplace consists of Crypto Exchanges, similar to the stock market. Unlike the stock market and banks however, the market is open 24/7, 365 days per year. The amount of time it takes to process transactions or transfer crypto to your computer is either immediate or within a couple of hours, not days like a bank.

Find a local Crypto Exchange to convert fiat (meaning physical government regulated currency such as the dollar or euro) to Bitcoin. In Australia I use BTC Markets, a small exchange trading about twenty cryptos. Once I own the crypto, I can transfer it to any exchange that is trading the crypto I want to buy. Some of the larger Exchanges are Coinbase, Binance, KuCoin.

I have found it useful to have an account on several Exchanges. This will enable you to invest in projects that align with you and not be restricted in trading in any way. Be aware that Exchanges differ; some charge excessive fees, some give good customer support, some are easier to use.

To build your trust and confidence in the buying and storing process, perhaps start with something like $50-$100, buy a small amount of Bitcoin on an Exchange, and send it to your wallet.

To do this, first, open an account on a local crypto exchange. You will need to provide proof of identification and an email address. Remember to use your ProtonMail or other secure email address. Setting up an account can take a few days, as it is a similar process to opening a new bank account.

  • Transfer fiat from your bank to your account on the crypto exchange
  • Buy some Bitcoin
  • Transfer the Bitcoin to the wallet (such as Exodus) on your computer
  • There will be withdrawal verifications and authorisations in your secure email account for you to approve before the Exchange will release the coin; in other words, good security
  • It’s easy! Just be vigilant and double check the wallet address before clicking “send.”

When you want to sell your Bitcoin for fiat, simply send some Bitcoin back to the Exchange. You may want to do this a couple times in order to gain trust and confidence in the process. Here’s how:
  • Open your software or hardware wallet and allocate a small amount of Bitcoin to send to the Exchange
  • Open the Exchange and confirm that the Bitcoin has been received and is in your account
  • Sell in the market; it is a similar process to selling on the stock market with stop-limit orders and market price options
  • There will be email notifications in your secure email account


It’s important to have a basic understanding of the Blockchain and how to protect your bank Vault.

The original Bitcoin blockchain was created in 2008 and described by Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym) as “a peer-to-peer electronic cash system with no trusted third party.” It is the world’s first completely decentralised, open-source, and peer-to-peer digital currency.

If you would like to learn more about the cryptocurrency technology and industry, I suggest browsing

For a full list of all active cryptocurrencies, details about each cryptocurrency, and current prices, check out, it’s a great website.

All crypto projects have White Papers that explain the project, the people involved, and that provide comprehensive technical data about the project. These Papers are really good for research and feeling into projects, seeing what aligns with you, and deciding which projects to invest in.

Basically, the blockchain is a ledger that records and stores transactions that are publicly available, that cannot be edited or deleted. Bitcoin transactions are viewable and in a pseudonymous form – an address consisting of a long string of numbers and letters – not a person’s name or any personal information.


A crypto wallet is like a bank account. Every wallet has a Public Key and a Private Key, both are a unique alphanumeric string of characters. Your wallet software knows your private key which allows it to send money.

To send money to an individual, business or an Exchange, all you need to know is the recipient’s public key, similar to a bank account number.

Your private key is the password or key to your bank vault and just for you. If you give your private key to someone or it is taken from you, that person can open the wallet and take your digital currency. Therefore, just like your bank account password, keep it 100% secure and don’t share with anyone.

Now it’s up to you

Cryptocurrency is a broad term that covers Bitcoin and alternate coins, referred to as altcoins. Bitcoin is considered the original cryptocurrency. There are thousands of cryptocurrencies, although it’s a misleading term as they are not all actual currencies. Some are platforms, protocols, financial contracts, data management tools, privacy coins, exchange coins, tokens, business projects, interoperability mechanisms and so on.

Hopefully, I have given some practical steps, helpful hints and useful tips to get you started, so you can build the confidence to research and invest. The rest is up to you!

Enjoy exploring crypto and happy investing!

Judy has a background in teaching business, administration, and accounting at a technical college for continuing education and has been helping small business owners in their own businesses for the past ten years. Judy found Crimson Circle in 2008 and since that time has experienced amazing exponential personal growth, giving her the freedom to be all that “I AM.” Judy can be contacted by email.

10 comments on "Invest in Yourself"

  • Veronica Caibett on August 27, 2020 10:00 AM said:
    Gracias!!! Que generosa eres!! Super valiosa informacion!!
  • MaJo on August 25, 2020 11:18 PM said:
    Great!.. Very useful for beginners 😊
  • Viviana on August 16, 2020 1:50 PM said:
    Estuve investigando pero no me animé a pasar a la acción. Felicitaciones por animarte a llegar hasta el final. Me inspiraste para intentarlo! Gracias por tu informe tan completo. Viviana
  • Lady Malac ( Mireille) Kitume-Van Handenhoven on August 16, 2020 9:58 AM said:
    thank u Judy !!!!!!!!!!!
  • Kate Wood on August 14, 2020 7:04 AM said:
    Dear Judy, Thank you so much for this information. I had no clue where to begin buying crypto currencies and you have laid out a very clear ground plan of all the basic necessities involved. The info about what we can do generally to tighten up our internet security is also extremely valuable. Very gratefully, Kate
  • JoAnn Baker Paul on August 12, 2020 11:23 PM said:
    Yes agreed! Thank you for the encouragement. I want to learn more, please!
  • Isolde Rudolph on August 11, 2020 7:41 PM said:
    Gracias por la información. Muy generoso de tu parte.
  • Jennifer on August 11, 2020 1:55 AM said:
    How does crypto work in a gold-based standard (which is what many are saying we are moving to)? Will crypto be backed by gold? My belief for a while now is that crypto will eventually disappear as it's mostly not backed by anything. I don't know much about the topic but would love to know more. I'd especially love to know if Adamus would encourage investing in crypto... It's clearly a time when we are building new foundations and I'm hoping for more on this, thank you.🙏
  • Sophie Seyer on August 10, 2020 2:13 PM said:
    Thank you very much, it gives me the curiosity to dig further info the subjectif 😊
  • Marta on August 4, 2020 1:02 AM said:
    THANK YOU for this useful information. 🙏

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