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Remember that New Age trend in the early 2000s when everyone called themselves ‘light workers’? Personally, I never liked it much. The term felt too dualistic, but also too light-minded. “I didn’t come to Earth to bask in the light, I came here for some serious shadow work,” I thought back then. Somehow, I always felt more comfortable with the shadows than with the light. In the shadows you can hide; there’s more room for grey areas, too. It’s not as confronting as the light. But, as we’ve all come to experience, there’s not one without the other. It’s pure physics: The brighter the light, the sharper the shadows.

The nature in Finland is quite fascinating. It’s a country where contrast is palpable, where both light and darkness can be experienced in their full expression. I was born at the darkest time of the winter, when the sky changes from black to dark gray to a slightly lighter shade of gray. Right now, around the summer solstice, the days are seemingly endless with the sun setting for about two hours at night. On days like these, everything feels lighter and more colorful.

So, all of this is making me reflect on our “job” of shining our light. Reflecting is appropriate, since that’s what light does: Darkness absorbs, and light reflects. The question that’s been haunting me lately (or perhaps since the downfall of Atlantis), is: How much can I shine? Is it really safe enough to stop holding back and allow my radiance in its full brightness? And how appropriate is it to shine when the world around me crumbles? Would it not be more sympathetic to suffer a little and keep other people company in their darkness…?

Adamus has been quite clear on that, but I needed my own reminders. So this is me reminding myself: Me shining my light is the best thing I can do for myself and for the world. In a recent Time Traveling event, I learned a trick from the professor: If you forget how impactful shining your light is, receive the light that others shine and notice the effect. Now whenever a doubt shadows my thoughts, I do some receiving. Someone also called it allowing, but I prefer to call it receiving. Here are some ways how I practice receiving light:

Receiving soul’s absolute acceptance of all parts of me brings light both to my present experience and my past selves. Love, or acceptance, alchemizes darkness into wisdom. Receiving soul’s light has also been called ‘forgiveness,’ but that is a rather archaic and limiting translation of seeing how your soul sees you. Love can also be received by not resisting energy, and instead accepting and allowing your energy. For me acceptance is what allows light to move and touch even the darkest corners of the self.

Beauty doesn’t take sides; the magical thing about beauty is that something can be dark and still be beautiful. I would even define the sense of beauty as the art of seeing the spark of light within something dark. It would be hard to imagine something beautiful that has never included a drop of darkness. Another way to express this is that darkness creates depth for the light, as Vili, a fellow time traveler, expressed it. Or, in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr, “Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.” Beauty gives darkness a purpose and highlights the light.

Another thing that helps me to receive light and shine my light brightly is spending time with other Masters. There are few things that are more inspiring than seeing a fellow human radiating their light. This can be done through enjoying art created by others. After all, art is essentially just shining light through a particular form of expression. Inspiration can also be found by sharing experiences with other Masters. (Although I have noticed that some of them have a rather dark sense of humor.) Inspiration shows us how impactful shining our light can be.

In the Time Traveling workshop, we also learned that light cannot be received or transmitted in the past or the future. This might be surprising if you remember a really good experience from your past, or if you think “Surely my future self is brighter than my present self.” We can shine our light into the past by being in our presence and inviting the past into our presence. Similarly, we can shine light into the future or receive light from our future self by inviting it into our presence. Light transcends time when we are in our presence.

This sense could be described as a combination of the human sense of ‘humor’ and the angelic sense of playfulness. The sense of lightness is about seeing the joy, fun or humor in any situation. Playfulness makes even darkness laugh at itself and feel lighter. If you have difficulties with being light-minded or playful, my recommendation is to call in Kuthumi, Sart or Jascha. And while many of the realized comedians are dead, being dead is not a prerequisite to being funny.

All of this leads me to the conclusion that light shines in many colors and expressions. Just as there isn’t only one way to come into Realization, there isn’t just one way to transmit our light or to receive light. One thing I’m sure about though: In order to transmit light effectively, we also need to be good at receiving it.

Usually receiving light is enough to cast away any doubts, but if all of the above doesn’t work, I ask myself: What did I need during my darkest hours? Did I want company in my suffering? Sure, but if you had come to sit with my teenage-self and asked her: “Is my light too bright for you? Would you like me to dim it down a little, so that you’re more comfortable with your own darkness?” here is what I would have replied: “Hell, no! That light is the only evidence I have of a way out. It’s my only ray of hope that I can get out, too. Don’t hide that hope from me.” And maybe there would have been days when someone was shining their light and I wasn’t ready to see it, because my eyes were adjusted to the darkness. But the strange thing about light is, well, you don’t need a whole lot of it to have a big effect. A small candle in a big dark room is very different to a big dark room with no candle. So perhaps it isn’t so bad to be light-hearted and a bit light-headed too.

Kim is a psychologist, writer and consciousness explorer.  For her master’s dissertation, she studied how dramatic techniques can be applied to facilitate the process of integration after trauma (think of Aspectology and Act of Consciousness combined). Kim can be reached through her website:

1 comments on "Sensing Light"

  • IAMAI on July 12, 2022 10:48 PM said:
    Beautifully expressed, dear Kim. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💐❤💐

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