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Whether we consider ourselves spiritual or not, Shaumbra always have a sparkling feeling that there is something more. It is an amazing knowingness that each one of us brought to this lifetime. No matter your condition, background, or country of origin, you brought this like a secret fire. Something that you cannot see, smell or hear, but can only gnost. Raised in a Catholic background, I never truly had any meaningful encounters with spirituality until much later when I “accidentally” discovered Crimson Circle.

But even so, I still found myself in the intense, almost obsessive search for something beyond, from very early in my life. In such a quest, my first and most important tool was science.

I was always on the brink of craziness, or so I thought of myself, so did the other people around me. Over the years I studied engineering, astronomy, medicine, etc., sometimes pursuing two professions simultaneously, yet never gaining a formal degree in any of them. The search took me into less common fields of science like cosmology, quantum physics, electronics and others, more toward the realms of science fiction. I even frantically tried to discover a mathematical definition of the soul and ultimately freedom. Behind all of this was a longing for something far grander than gaining a degree or that any accomplishment could possibly offer. Not many people could relate to my interests, and none of them could truly understand what was behind my decisions.

As scientific theory failed to fill in the gaps, I felt a thirst for the experience. I wanted to go out of the libraries and, as I see it today, to put myself in situations that would demand a new level of the relationship with myself. This was when I began a pilot’s career. Yes, I wanted to fly, because maybe, who knows, the answer could be a few thousand feet above the ground. And indeed, I realised later, flying was about discovering something more than what first meets the eye.

Family, friends and basically everybody that I knew were against my desire to become a pilot. Some of them thought it was just another of my crazy ideas. Many of them pointed out how expensive it was. But most of them did not trust in me to be able to do it. They thought I would kill myself very soon, because, you see, flying an airplane is only for very smart people. But in the end, I did not care about any of it – if I ever see these people again, if I have money left for food, nor if I die. I just wanted to fly.

It does not cease to amaze me how piloting a heavy machine above the ground led me to realising my own wings. It was when soaring through the sky that I felt something extraordinary, something words could not grasp.

As a young pilot I remember my instructor repeating many times, “When you are going to fly, just please, forget everything and concentrate only on the flying.” He literally said, “It doesn’t matter how crap your life was, is or will be. Right now, it’s about flying and nothing else. You must feel the airplane in every moment.” I finally understood, the true gravity of flying was this precious feeling of myself in a new way, because it demanded my total presence in every second. Of course, the unusual feeling stayed in the cockpit when I shut the airplane doors and got back into my routine.

Another beautiful aspect of piloting is that it brings out the self-worth issue in a very sensual way. Self-worth is absolutely crucial for the job and this fact is even recognised by the training institutions. For example, prospective pilots need to pass a psychological exam that measures their confidence, and at least 25% of all the formal flying hours need to be done completely alone. Let’s face it, who would be willing to fly with a pilot who does not trust himself and his abilities to make the right choice in every moment? Probably no one, not even the pilot himself. After all, the reality of flying on your own is brutally beautiful. Of course, I remember my first solo very well. It all basically came down to this: either I trust in myself that I can do it, or I die. There is no in between, no compromises or ‘what ifs.’ In a very tangible way, in order to fly you need to have full trust in yourself, without any bit of doubt. That is why learning to fly is the most grounded thing I have ever done.

The take-off is a dangerous phase of the flight, so it’s no surprise that it offers a lot of potential wisdom. Pilots know that as you speed up to lift the airplane, it is not a time for holding back. The thrust must be at full power, otherwise the plane loses momentum and stays firmly on the runway.

Also, something fascinating happens just seconds before reaching the exact take off speed. In those few seconds, the pilot – at least a less experienced one – does not know if the wheels of the airplane are still on the runway or already in the air. In other words, there is a moment when you do not know whether you are flying or not. If only you could step aside to see the full picture of the plane to find out for sure. In connection with the physics of enlightenment, this is a very beautiful analogy, a way of saying that the human needs to step aside to see that YOU, all of you, are already flying – the truth that Adamus has told us so many times. The Master and the I Am can see that, but the young pilot, flying on his own wings for the first time, is so immersed in the final moments of the take-off that he is unaware he’s already soaring in his divinity. As Adamus has said, “Let the wings of your dream carry you into Realisation.”

Yes, there is a direct relationship between craziness, emergence and flying. You need to go crazy to see that you are flying, in other words, that you have already emerged. Being outside of the mind does feel crazy. To go beyond is easy, stupid even; you just assume, without holding back, that everything is possible in your awareness and so it is in the now. The mind, which truly is just one limited point of awareness, cannot deal with that. So, at one point you will find yourself in the awkward moment of not knowing, at least from your mind, whether your feet have left the ground or not. But if you switch your perception from thinking to assuming, you can allow yourself to realise you are both – still in the take-off AND flying.

By now you should know that realisation is not about how famous, healthy or abundant you are (or are not). It is about embodying that everything is possible, not from a place of power, but simply because of who you are. Ultimately it is about letting your knowingness and the true passion of your heart become one. Only a crazy being can allow real dignity.

Currently I am working in the interdimensional lab with John (Kuderka) and Tesla. After his crossing, John invited me to be a part of their projects, and I know I worked with Tesla physically in the past. So, the three of us and one more embodied master are developing the technology that is intimately related to I AM. And of course, as you might guess, Adamus is hanging around the lab a lot. Sharing all this with you is a reminder to myself. I believed I was crazy, until I realized that I was not crazy at all. And therefore, I got my wings.

Luciano is a visionary, inventor of his own freedom and passionate professor of the infinity. He is currently working on the launch of a technological company co-founded with his wife, as well as a software called Dragon Code, which about materialising the infinite ways the master connects with the human. He is also writing a novel about different perspectives of self-acceptance. Luciano lives in Argentina and may be contacted via email.

6 comments on "Wings of Craziness"

  • Mie on August 10, 2020 12:04 PM said:
    So beautiful, thank you for your inspiration to trust myself. I want to fly high :-))
  • Chalice on November 11, 2019 12:55 PM said:
    Hellow So For That Lack Of Words
  • Christine Ley on July 17, 2019 8:29 AM said:
    Beautiful story, strong metaphors, high sensuality... I will never take a plane like I did before, thank you Luciano!
  • Arturo Nava on July 12, 2019 5:47 PM said:
    I really enjoyed reading this wonderful story! Greetings Luciano!!
  • Mabel on July 12, 2019 2:54 PM said:
    Wow ésto es maravilloso, gracias!!
  • PeriBanu on July 12, 2019 12:40 PM said:
    "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss"😜

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