Until science catches up, Adamus explains consciousness, creation, other realms, and how it all works.
Physics is about
understanding our material reality. Metaphysics is about understanding the multiple
realities beyond our physical realm and from which it emanates.
We experience this 3D
reality as singular, believing it is all there is, until the day comes when we begin to sense that
everything is more than what it seems. With this growing awareness of “more,” our whole
understanding of creation changes as we realize this is only one of many realities.
Adamus Saint-Germain has
provided many mind-blowing insights about the nature of reality, helping expand our understanding of
creation and how it works.
The metaphysical
components of reality have been hidden deeply away in esoteric circles for a very long time. This was so
that we could dive fully into the experience of being in physical form on Earth, and because human
consciousness was simply not ready for such “magical” knowledge.
Magic, however, is
simply that which cannot be explained by our current understanding. As human consciousness inevitably opens,
we as creators begin to understand our creation and remember why we are here.
The principles we call
“Adamus metaphysics” go far beyond what scientists currently hold true, and are woven throughout
the Crimson Circle materials. You are invited to open and feel these principles deep within, rather than try
to understand them logically in the mind. It’s about reconnecting to the basics of how we created
– and continue to create – our human experience. You don’t have to be a physicist to allow
these concepts to affect your mind, body, and soul.
Collective Benefit – There is more light and consciousness on Earth than ever
before, which means the actual physics of the planet are literally changing. Understanding the metaphysics
behind these changes will help humanity as it awakens to a new reality.
Personal Benefit – Staying on Earth and enjoying life as embodied Masters
means magic and love become everyday parts of our experience. As we allow a deep comprehension of
metaphysics, these elements also become available to other humans who are ready to tap into them. It is a
beautiful legacy.
The bold statements
below can only be grasped through experience because words will always fall short. Simple definitions are
provided as reference, but we invite you to feel, allow, and discover them for yourself.
The beginning of all
things is consciousness, which is simply awareness. Consciousness is the I Am and contains no energy, time,
or space. This eternal isness is aware only of its own existence as ultimate and simple truth. For anything
to exist, consciousness must be present.
Energy was born from the
passion of consciousness to know and experience itself by living within its creation. Energy is not a force;
it is communication, the song of the soul. It rests in a neutral state within the sacred dvir, ready to be
called forth by the creator – you.
Energy responds to
one’s desire for expression, the act of consciousness by becoming light (which does not mean the
opposite of dark). Light is activated energy, condensing into form in service to the creator’s desire
for experience.
As light slows down to
create physical reality for experience, it generates gravity to hold things together. Although gravity on
Earth has so far only been perceived as a force that pulls things together, in its full spectrum, it also
allows creations to expand. “Aerotheon” is the term Adamus gives for this “Full Spectrum
Time and
Gravity then enables
time and space, our physical playground, to coalesce into being through specific attributes that help
constitute and support physical reality. Time and space are not linear, but rather perceptions and ways of
measuring experience.
Matter and
Physical Reality
Eventually, the
activated energy (through light, gravity, time, and space) condenses into atomic structure and matter.
However, matter is not as solid as it appears to be, for at the subatomic level it is simply space and
“massless” particles.
The Soul
The soul is comprised of
all your potentials, your wisdom, and your sovereignty. In essence, it is God, the totality of your energy,
the single and unlimited creation of the I Am. This means that everything you perceive is your energy, and
it’s all in service to you. Mass consciousness is simply the mutual consent in this “Game of
Angels” to perceive things as being outside of you for the purpose of experience, self-love, and
ultimately freedom. In a way of speaking, your human experience is taking place within your Soul, and it is
all here for you and as you.
The Mind
When angels first
embodied on Earth, there was great variation in their forms and abilities. In Atlantis, work was done to
standardize both the human body and mind, and it has changed very little since then. The mind is designed to
function best in the 3D human reality and has a difficult time perceiving and operating beyond this realm.
Susceptible to hypnosis and other forms of control, the mind is meant to be a tool for the human, not its
supervisor. As we expand into other realms, the mind initially feels it is losing control and “going
crazy,” but it will eventually accept and catch up with the Master’s experience.