The Journey

A person standing on a rocky cliff, gazing into the starry sky, symbolizing reflection and the journey of self-discovery

Remember who you are, where you came from, why you’re here, and what comes next.

In the epic metaphor Journey of the Angels, Tobias tells how we lived with Mother and FatherGod, oneness of Spirit, as we explored the kingdom of existence. Then one day, we ventured beyond the limits of All that Was, encountered the Wall of Fire, and shattered into billions and trillions of fragments, every fragment a potential of what we could experience. From that momentous point, each soul embarked on a long journey into experience, seeking to answer, “Who am I?”

Eventually, our adventures brought us to this beautiful planet Earth, and as humans, we have gone through many lifetimes and all sorts of experiences. However, there comes a point when human experiences become repetitious, we’ve learned all we need, and our soul begins calling us to awaken and come back home. Then the path to Ascension begins.

Remember, while the stages of the journey listed below are common to everyone on the path, they are not linear. You have many parts of Self, and you will revisit various parts of the journey multiple times on your way to ascension.


Pre-awakening can start a lifetime or two before your final lifetime of awakening and ascension. It is characterized by a growing impatience and intolerance for the repetitive merry-go-rounds of human existence. Something deep within has had enough and cries out “No more!” It is a choice that only the human can make, and then everything else starts happening.

This stage is characterized by feelings of unease, like something has to change, and a sense of not belonging, despite attempts to fit in and be ‘normal.’ This is because it’s your time to get off the human experience merry-go-round which, although beautiful in many ways, is not your natural state.

You may feel like something is wrong with you, but we’ve been through it and are here to tell you that you’re not crazy and you’re not alone.

Twelve Awakening Signs


Awakening happens in so many different ways, whether it's a book serendipitously falling off a shelf or a life-changing event that shakes you to the core. Whether it dawns gently or comes in a lightning bolt, you realize that there’s more to life than what you see. You are part of something bigger, surrounded by others on similar journeys.

The awakening is innocent and exhilarating, filled with the excitement of discovery and a hunger for knowledge. However, it's also a period where you can easily get sidetracked by what Adamus calls makyo or spiritual distractions. Along with the bliss and joy of the awakening, there is also an underlying reluctance to move beyond because something inside of you can sense what comes next. It’s easy to procrastinate, wanting to stay in the beautiful energy of awakening, but eventually the journey must continue.

The Silent Prayer

The Breakdown

The dark night of the soul is the hardest, most difficult and challenging of all stages. It is the time when Shiva, the god of destruction, comes to break down illusions, energy patterns, and codes that have been in place for lifetimes. It is time for ‘all that you are not’ to fall away, eventually revealing All that You Are.

And so, things start falling apart. Your job is gone; your relationships crumble; your friends are nowhere to be found. You find yourself alone, your passion gone. Even your physical body may develop issues because you’ve identified so closely with it.

Let everything go. The more you hold on, the harder it is. The dark night is grueling, terrorizing, desolate. You may question existence itself until there is simply no fight left. Finally, in exhaustion, comes surrender to the only thing that remains: the awareness of self. “I’m still here. I Exist.”


After hitting rock bottom, you’ll eventually feel yourself coming back into life, but not in the way you knew it before. Perhaps you have a new tolerance for self. Perhaps you’re ready to allow life to unfold naturally, much like when the butterfly emerges from its cocoon. There is a new sense of maturity and wisdom developing within, yet you feel very fragile, wondering if you’ll just be torn apart again.

As you gradually get yourself back together, you encounter the Master, the wise part of your soul that distills every experience into wisdom. The Master offers a blend of support and stark honesty without pity. It won’t fix things for you, but you’ll find the necessary wisdom to face every moment.

Emergence is not just about recreating yourself. It is also about confronting and releasing hidden and forgotten aspects of guilt and shame, brought to your awareness with the help of the Master's pet, the dragon. The unforgiving forgiveness. It may first be perceived as a frustrating nuisance, but the dragon soon becomes an ally, going through the final clearing right along with you.


Also called enlightenment, Realization is the moment where everything clicks in, and you just get it: “I Am that I Am.” It may come in one profound recognition or in numerous small moments.

In Realization, one transcends the need for perfection, focusing on the unconditional acceptance of yourself and all your aspects in the greatest compassion. It is the end to the relentless pursuit of trying to change the world or fix oneself. The human is not responsible for enlightenment; it’s only for the human to allow and accept it.

In the Breakdown one eventually surrenders. In Realization it is about acceptance. There’s nothing more to work at, no more goals, nothing to attain, so what’s next? Why stay on Earth, which can sometimes be so tough? Realization brings passion, but not the old human passion that was destroyed by Shiva. It’s the passion just to be, to live, to experience in a way you have never experienced before, to enjoy the beauty of this planet and simply to shine your light.


The Magi stays on Earth, not to fight for causes or to change the world, but for the passion of living. The Magi sees the big picture, realizing that everyone is on their own path by choice, and offers guidance only when asked. Every moment in life is delicious, sensual, and beautiful for the Magi who says, “It’s all in my energy and it’s all right now.”

It’s not about being a magician, performing tricks, using energy in other people’s lives, or saving the planet. The Magi has fun playing with energy for themselves, not efforting at anything, yet being as creative as they desire and living a simple, abundant, multidimensional life.


The Magi, having collected all past lives, released stuck energies, integrated all the aspects, and truly come to self-love, decides it's time to depart. There are others now who will take on the benching and illumination of consciousness.

Without any drama, the Magi bids farewell to this planet, perhaps after savoring a final meal or a beautiful walk, fully embracing their ascension, and leaving the physical realm. They take the full essence of the physical body with them. They might come back to visit, but not as a continuation of the cycle of reincarnation.

The Magi, the human, the Master are all in ascension, the final goodbye.

Note: Every Ascended Master – those who have allowed their own sovereignty – has come by way of Earth. There are none who have done it anywhere else.

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