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The Master’s Way

The Master’s Way

The life of a Master is one of sensuality, flow, abundance, joy – and total responsibility.

Crimson Circle exists to support those who are choosing embodied mastery in this lifetime. It can be a long and arduous journey, or a brief and easy transformation, depending on how firmly you cling to your expectations, identities, and beliefs.

Graduating from Earth with your self-bestowed “Master’s degree” is inevitable, whether in this lifetime or 1000 years from now. If this is your time for mastery, here’s what it’s all about.

Who is the Master?

The Master is the culmination of the wisdom of all your lifetimes. It is part of the trinity of the Self: the I Am, which is pure consciousness; the Master, which is the wisdom; and the human, which is the experiencer. The Master distills every human experience, no matter how wonderful or horrible, into a pearl of wisdom for the Soul.

When the human accepts that it is more than just human, it starts becoming aware of the Master, which then comes closer to the human as they allow it. The Master will not fix all the problems or give all the answers, but it will provide access to its deep wisdom and the full compassion of the I Am. Eventually, human and Master start coexisting, enabling the human to expand multidimensionally and enjoy perspectives of life and potentials that were not in its awareness before.

As you allow the presence of the Master within, your human self, working with the dragon, can begin to accept the ultimate forgiveness that releases every bit of guilt and shame built up through lifetimes, so that the entire self can accept its Realization.

Ahmyo Life

Ahmyo is the state of divine grace where you and the Master are aware of each other. It's about living your day-to-day life in awareness that you are human AND something more at the same time. Ahmyo, meaning total self-trust, is the next evolution or phase in your embodied mastery.

In Ahmyo you tap into your soul's wisdom and use it to shape your life, making you the conscious creator of your experiences rather than just reacting to what happens. It's about having just the right amount of everything you need, exactly when you need it, including energies that bring healing, vitality, and youthfulness to your physical body, and abundance to every part of your life.

In the Ahmyo life, you the Master are in charge, allowing your wisdom every day and changing your life in awesome and surprising ways. It's about letting go of the hard daily grind and welcoming a life of ease and grace, with all the energies in service to you.

Body of Consciousness

Another evolution that occurs in mastery is integration of the Body of Consciousness. At your core, you're simply consciousness, pure awareness. This consciousness calls forth energy to manifest its desire for experience, but it often gets clouded by the mind, human aspects, and the many separated parts of yourself.By bringing together your physical body, mind, and spirit into one unit, you integrate what Adamus calls the Body of Consciousness, which is very energy efficient as compared to the intense energy requirements of your old systems. It allows you to live and create with energy flowing smoothly, rather than getting stuck.

This Body of Consciousness is the culmination of all your human experiences, now merged into a full, rich consciousness that goes beyond just being in a body, a mind, or a spirit. It is about merging everything into one cohesive whole where every part communicates and shares qualities and energies with every other part. You become a single, harmonious being, full of wisdom and experience, your own Oneness.


Angels are sensual beings who revel in experience. Senses are not only ways of understanding, interpreting, and experiencing your awareness, but there is also wisdom, knowingness, and creator abilities within every sense. As angels who came to Earth, we submerged deeply into the angelic sense of Focus – the ability to put one’s awareness and attention into a very specific point – effectively shutting out the other 200,000 angelic perceptions.

Going beyond gravity and the sense of Focus is a magical way of living and staying as an Embodied Master on this planet, leading a beautiful, delightful, fulfilling, and very creatively intelligent life.

As we become aware of more of our forgotten senses, life feels much more “real” but not filled with the drama of emotions manufactured in the mind.

Some of these senses


The first angelic sense of “I Am” that came to life when you left Home. It was the first contact with You.


Also defined as Compassion, Gratitude, Acceptance, it is the ability to be in experience and appreciate everything around you. It is an acknowledgment of the “I Exist” of everything.


From “communis,” which means “to share.” It is a knowing, a way of sharing between entities, animals, plants, anything (does not rely on words or visuals).


Unconditional acceptance of everything as it is, beginning with yourself; very important for inter-dimensional journeys.


Spirit has an incredible desire to express itself, and it WILL find a way to move; the energy has to flow, ideally in a conscious way.


The ability to put your awareness, your attention into very specific places. Human “senses” are tools or ways of interpreting the sense of Focus.


The creator sense from which every creation originates. Even this “reality” is imagination; it’s all made up.


The radiance of the I Am, felt as the creator’s smile of satisfaction; Joy is the constant pleasure of beingness.


Created from the passion to return to Self, Love is something you can only experience. It has the greatest sensuality, the greatest radiance of all the senses; a tremendous ability to bring energies together.


The sense of energies responding to your consciousness, changing, evolving, shifting (not literal movement).


Knowingness of the multidimensional, non-singular Self with many facets, in love with itself; the I Am in multiple expressions.


The sense that allows many different ways of looking at the same thing. It is the “and.”


The sense that allows you to perceive composites. Without Unity you would only perceive individual energy particles rather than objects, people, universes.

Merlin & Magic

“Merlin” refers to a title used by one individual at a time for thousands of years. It evokes the Merlin from the stories of King Arthur and Avalon, but until the last couple hundred years, there has always been a being who carried the title, wisdom, and energy of Merlin. They were waiting for the time when many were ready to embody the title, and this time is now.

Merlin is the integration of the human and the Master. The human has become aware of the Master, the Master distills everything into wisdom, and now magic starts happening.“Magic,” in Adamus’ words, is “that which cannot be explained by science or logic, but that which is. It is the ability to let your energy serve you.”

The Merlin is a time traveler because they realize that they are from their own past and their own future. It is the gatekeeper, commander, and user of time.

The Merlin is a shape shifter because they realize that there is no single reality. It is all based on the perception of the observer and the intent of the creator.

The Merlin is one who is in their truth, open to and allowing the free flow of energy.

And this modern-day Merlin that you are, is one who comes to shatter all the illusions of suffering on this planet in the human condition, starting first with oneself. While the other attributes of the Merlin are ‘older,’ the new attribute of Merlin is beyond the need for any suffering in the human condition, now able to live life in full joy and sensuality.

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