
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Passion 2020 Series

August 2019 - August 2020

SERIES OVERVIEW – The year 2020 symbolizes clarity, marking the arrival of the dragon. Magic is a shift in perspective and passion is about being the magic, independent of external factors. A trigger word or gesture can remind you to stay open. To go beyond energy slavery, recognize yourself as a creator and let energy serve you. The new human species signifies an evolution in consciousness. Avoid distractions like political or social causes. Although technology may compromise privacy, it won't affect true Standards. Embrace your divinity, don’t fear death, and honor everyone's journey. Allow your energy to flow naturally rather than trying to control it; your passion is to be here on Earth as a Merlin. Realization comes without effort, by allowing and being present. Energy is your friend, and freedom comes from letting it serve you. Disbanding the Order of the Arc signifies a time of individual sovereignty. The pandemic will lead to medical advances and a global reset. Embrace your sovereignty and drop the distractions. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Passion 2020 Series / 1

Magic 101 for the Modern Merlin

August 03, 2019

After addressing issues that might be holding Shaumbra back from realizing their Realization, Adamus says that magic isn't about controlling or directing outcomes but opening up to your natural energy to flow. It is your passion to be here as a Merlin when the number one issue on the planet is technology and artificial intelligence. Recognize yourself as a creator and let go of external distractions that do not serve your path to Realization.

Passion 2020 Series / 2

Freedom or Suffering, it's Your Choice

October 05, 2019

The path to enlightenment unfolds naturally without the need for struggle or effort. You’re here to illuminate potentials for the planet. Recognize that the energy you encounter is entirely yours. Adamus tells a story of the Master illustrating that, as you grow in maturity and wisdom, you observe life's unfolding without judgment, gently inspiring those around you by simply being a presence of potential and possibility.

Passion 2020 Series / 3

Miracles, Magic, and the End of Suffering

November 02, 2019

After recollections of his visit to Hawaii as Mark Twain, Adamus addresses sovereignty and ungrouping. He encourages us to embrace freedom despite the challenges of coexisting in a suffering world. The lesson of the day for Modern Merlins is to allow energy to dance between sovereign beings, for magic occurs when their energies come together. Everything you perceive is your own energy.

Passion 2020 Series / 4

A Few Blocks Off Main Street

December 14, 2019

With many Shoud guests, Adamus guides a Christmas Past merabh back to your childhood during the holiday season. He underscores 2020 as a pivotal year for the Realization of many Shaumbra. More humans are awakening, moving away from traditional religious structures. Shaumbra offer loving tips to those newly awakened. Adamus recognizes the difficulties Shaumbra have faced and encourages you to acknowledge your path.

Passion 2020 Series / 5

A Year of Metamorphosis and Realization

January 04, 2020

After encouraging Shaumbra to get rid of New Year's resolutions, Adamus celebrates the arrival of 2020. As the butterfly allows the imaginal disc to guide its metamorphosis, you can allow your Clear Crystal Flame to guide your natural process of Realization. It is essential to shift your perspective, trust your inner wisdom, and fully embrace your own Realization journey.

Passion 2020 Series / 6

Emerging into Realization

February 01, 2020

Introducing himself as a facet of St. Germain created by and for Shaumbra, Adamus compares the journey from awakening to Realization with the caterpillar entering a cocoon and emerging as a butterfly. You are amazing angels coming into Realization, and sometimes there is pain, awkwardness, and fear. You'll face challenges such as the loss of passion and the fear of losing your mind, but true mastery comes from letting energy serve you.

Passion 2020 Series / 7

Angels and Aliens Are Called Home

March 07, 2020

Adamus addresses the coronavirus and its global implications, particularly economic disruption. It's time to stop and assess your own economy; you don't need a virus to shake you up. The disbanding of the Order of the Arc means that enough humans have developed an understanding of energy and consciousness. Alien beings, like Pleiadians, are being summoned back home by their angelic families.

Passion 2020 Series / 8

A Historic Day – Order of the Arc and Angelic Families Disband

April 04, 2020

At dawn on April 4, 2020, this message was transmitted to all the angelic families: "It’s time to ungroup. It’s time to disband. The Order of the Arc is closed. Our work as angelic families is done." Shaumbra, you are honored for your service. It is time to embrace your sovereignty and mastery and bid a final farewell to the angelic families you have led.

Passion 2020 Series / 9

Allowing Realization as Earth Goes Quiet

May 02, 2020

As the Earth goes quiet, Adamus talks about the coronavirus and explains that psychics did not foresee the pandemic because their view is influenced by many factors. He also mentions his prediction of a virus in ProGnost 2014. As the situation plays out, humanity will undergo significant shifts in priorities, work, economic structures, and advances in medicine and technology. There could be 1000 realized Shaumbra by the end of the summer.

Passion 2020 Series / 10

Please Stay – You’re Needed Here

June 06, 2020

Adamus speaks about the Summer of Passion and Realization as a turning point. Sart’s story is an example of allowing. Stay grounded with a reconnection object and make a conscious choice about staying on Earth. The world is shifting towards a consciousness-oriented economy. Your presence on this planet is crucial right now. Use the Breath of the I Am to allow Realization gently and naturally.

Passion 2020 Series / 11

Illumination for the Re-Imaginers

July 04, 2020

Adamus discusses how the Master's light illuminates its human aspect, helping the human realize they are already realized and wake up from the dream of limitation. Although the human perceives the Master's light as coming from the future, it is actually timeless and exists in the Now. With the light, some humans are re-imagining many aspects of life, such as family, biology, sex, government, civil rights, and education.

Passion 2020 Series / 12

Own Everything in Your Life

August 01, 2020

As part of the global Shaumbra group, you are coming into Realization. Adamus encourages us to stop building sandcastles on the edge of the water, like the human still trying to make their enlightenment happen. These sandcastles are distractions that will ultimately be washed away by the waves of Realization. Embrace and own everything about yourself, every aspect of your life, and remember that all is well in your creation.