The Kharisma Series
SHOUD 11: “Kharisma 11” –
Featuring ADAMUS, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
August 1, 2015
I Am that I Am, unmistakably
Adamus. Ah!
Not St. Germain today, definitely
not Kuthumi today; it’s an all Adamus, all-star day (audience cheering and applause).
You clap now, but little do you know what I have in mind.
And, dear Edith, they said you
would be a little uncomfortable with the video (referring to the video of “
Lost” by Anouk that
was played before the channel).
EDITH: Oh, no. It didn’t make me
ADAMUS: Didn’t make you
EDITH: No. It’s just about us
loving ourselves.
ADAMUS: Absolutely! You heard it
from Edith! (audience applause) An Adamus Award to you today.
EDITH: Oh, wow!
LINDA: Ha! I have one! I have one.
Ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha!
ADAMUS: You get an Adamus Award.
LINDA: I have one!
ADAMUS: It’s just about loving
yourself, yes.
LINDA: On the way.
ADAMUS: Actually, I have to tell a
bit of a story. I did select that. Not my favorite music, but perhaps my
favorite topic – loving yourself. And at one point, dear Geoffrey, Cauldre, got
a little nervous, was going to put something mild on, non-offensive,
non-uncomfortable. And he even used he even used Edith as an excuse. Said,
“Edith might be uncomfortable with this video.” Was I right, my dear lady? (he
kisses her and audience says “Awww!”)
EDITH: Thank you (he kisses her
again). Thank you.
ADAMUS: Not uncomfortable at all.
Oh, somebody loving themselves, themselves,
and singing about … oh.
LINDA: (bringing the Adamus Award)
It’s the only one.
ADAMUS: And we’d like to get a good
shot of this. Edith, for you (he presents the Award to her).
EDITH: Thank you so very much.
ADAMUS: For you. Yes. Yes (some
applause). You realize we don’t give out so many of those anymore, now that you
can buy them online for $44 (a few chuckles). But it’s all yours.
Ah, one of my favorite topics is
loving yourself, and we do tend to get – you
tend to get – uncomfortable with that at times and almost embarrassed
about it sometimes. Here we have a beautiful music video talking about being
lost – which I know so many of you feel that way, lost in your own song –
and graphics, very professionally done, but cozying up to yourself in a bathtub
(laughter as Adamus snuggles up next to Edith). Or call me (Adamus chuckles).
So, my dear friends, we’re going
to do it a little different today, a little different.
First of all, understand that I am
actually here in this Shoud – and a Shoud is all of us. A Shoud is a
reflection of all of us. When there is a great, great Shoud, a landmark Shoud,
it’s because you were ready to take that next step. It doesn’t always feel good
at the moment, isn’t always comfortable at the time, but you are allowing to go
to the next level. It’s so easy sometimes, in your own life, just to stay the
status quo, to just think about life being different, but never allowing it to
be different, to not make bold moves.
God Tipping
Last month we made a bold move. We
did God tipping (laughter). For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking
about, there’s something called cow tipping. Cow tipping. Yes, the Americans
here know what that is. I believe it’s practiced quite a bit here. But for
those of you not familiar and want to do something tonight … (laughter and audience
says “No!”) You go out to the cow pasture and the cows are sleeping, and when a
cow is sleeping, with one finger, no real effort, you can push them over
(Adamus chuckles). No, no, the cow doesn’t care, as long as they get to eat the
next day.
We did God tipping. It was ready,
because God is pretty sleepy. God is pretty lethargic and God is just out in
the pasture, just kind of … (he makes a sleepy face). Oh, I’m serious. I’m not
calling God a cow (a few chuckles). Well, maybe I am (more chuckles). It was so
ready for tipping, just going over. That was a big step. You might have not
realized it last month, but a huge step in the fact that we can even talk about
it without worrying about somebody watching or listening, because, well, you
don’t have to. Nobody else listens to this stuff! (Adamus laughs)
Without worrying about
repercussions, because, you know, as much as God is part of mass consciousness,
people want it to change. People really want a change in God, but they’re
afraid. They’re afraid it might be too much change or change in the wrong
direction, but they’re kind of tired of God, as humans have known God. They
want something a little bit more dynamic, more refreshing, simpler, not just
taught by some crusty old men.
Actually you know when things are
really going to break through on the God front is when women, as much as men,
are sharing this God thing, when they’re preaching. To me, it is so strange – it
was strange 300 years ago, but even stranger now – that the priests have
to be men and the rabbis generally men and the preachers and the ministers
generally men. Not always, but generally. It’s so strange. It was strange back
then. Everybody knew something was missing, but nobody was going to talk about
it. And here we are 300 years later and it’s still missing. But you’ll know
when there are changes in some of the major church and religious organizations
to allow women to stand up at the front.
But anyway, we did a little God
tipping last month, and it fell over, and there are repercussions. I mean, it’s
fun to do it and watch the whole, you know, God, this big powerful, all knowing
being – boom! – just like that.
There are repercussions though,
for you. It starts to shake up, undermine the foundation on which a lot of
things were built. It starts to tear down things internally. Even though I know
all of you think that you’re not religious, but there was still kind of the old
investment in God. You start letting go of that and things come up, because God
is like a great big blanket of suppression over a lot of things – fear and
guilt and shame and hiding memories – all while you’re praying to God.
Well, when that goes away, things come up.
SANDRA: I’m right here.
ADAMUS: Coffee.
SANDRA: I’m right here (a few
ADAMUS: Yes. Thank you, my dear.
Thank you (some applause). Cheers. Just feel free to barge up here any time, as
long as it’s for my coffee, nothing else.
So it shakes up a lot of things
and you probably noticed that in a lot of ways it was a crazy month, different
than regular crazy, but it was a crazy month – feeling a little lost, unmoored,
untethered; feeling a little uncomfortable that the old basis wasn’t there –
and that’s absolutely appropriate. It brings up things like the
Dear John letter
that you were talking about before. It brings up Dear Susan letters. It brings
up Dear Mary letters, Dear Benjamin letters, Dear Richard letters. It brought
up a lot of things, and it brought them to the surface. And when things are
brought to the surface and they’re exposed to what you would say light or
awareness, it
does hurt for a while.
is uncomfortable, and neither you
or I want you to go back to your comfortable little place and just try to make
it a little bit more comfortable. We’ll pass through this. You will pass
through it, and it is a little uncomfortable and it does kind of rip at some of
the fabric of your human algorithm, and it needed to. And it will continue to
do so.
The amazing thing is though when
you understand what’s happening, even though there are some emotional, mental,
maybe physical pain, but you say, “Oh, okay. This is what is going on.” It’s a
lot easier than being absolutely in the dark and going into the “What’s wrong
with me?” That’s just awful. So to say that, yes, there’s going to be
uncomfortable times, adjustment times. But when you understand that it is appropriate and you are going to expand beyond it, it’s much
more palatable, much easier to take.
All in the Now
As I stand up here now talking,
I’m talking to each and every one of you. This is your Shoud. This is what you
are creating. But I’m also doing it as much for myself, as much for me, because
as I’m up here talking, basically translating, putting forth your message and
mine, there’s a part of me that is hearing this right now; a part of me. It is
a part that is not an Ascended Master. It is a part that is having a very
difficult time 2600 years ago. It’s a part of me that is so frustrated and
confused and lost. So I’m standing up here talking to myself, saying to myself,
“You’re going through an evolution, an opening. There will come a time of
enlightenment.” I’m standing here talking to my past, and the past isn’t way
back there. Actually, the past is right here.
You’re doing the same with
yourselves right now. You’re talking to your past. You’re talking to what you
could say is your Now, your current time. And there’s part of you that you
would call from the future – but it’s really not, it’s all from the Now – talking
to yourself saying, “It works out.” It had to. It had to. It absolutely comes together in the most beautiful and
amazing way that you created. Nobody
else. That you created. So in spite of a lot of things that you worry and
wonder about right now, as the human sitting here, thinking that there’s
something that you haven’t figured out yet, wondering about what comes next and
maybe worried about it, maybe frustrated with life, there is that part of you
that’s talking to you right now and saying, “Take a deep breath. Relax. Relax.”
You know, the interesting thing is
there is really not a past/present/future. Everything has to occur in the Now.
Everything has to occur in the Now. It cannot occur in the past or the future.
So even this Ascended Master of yourself is in the Now, in the same Now that
this human is in – in the very same Now – and the past is
in the very same Now.
“So what’s the issue?” you say. “How
come I don’t get it?” Well, because you’re just viewing or aware of one small
part of the Now. It’s all happening right now. There’s no going into the future;
it’s right here. And in a sense you could say that’s what you’re telling
yourself right now is “Open your awareness. Allow your awareness.” Allow
yourself to realize everything that’s here in the Now. Not mentally. Not
mentally. You just do it by, well, being absolutely brave and bold and saying,
“I’ve got nothing else to lose. I’m going to absolutely open right now.” And
then stop thinking about it. That’s so important. And your Self, your
enlightened realized Self is telling you that right now, “Stop thinking about
it. Just get on with whatever you want to do.” You allow. You open and allow,
and then stop thinking about it. Go about your everyday life. Go about whatever
you want to do.
So let’s take a deep breath and do
that right now.
Nothing New
So today, I’m not going to tell
you anything new. Sorry. Everything I’m going to tell you, you’ve already
heard, whether it was here or in what you would call the past or it’s your
enlightened Self already telling you this. You already heard it. You already
know it. So there’s nothing new today. And I have to mention that because there
are quite a few that tune in for new, “What’s he going to say new today?” You
get caught up in the new. It all has to be new. It’s not. There’s nothing
really new.
I can tell you the same old stuff
in a brand new way that you might think it’s new, but it’s really not. If you
go back to the early Shouds with Tobias – Creator Series, Master Series, some
of the other ones – it’s nothing new. He said it before. I’ll just say it in a
different way – more amusing or more disturbing, in a way; I’ll just say
it in a different way – but even beyond that, there’s nothing new because
that enlightened realized Self has already told you. It’s already told you.
So I mention this because, for
those of you who only come here for new and only report on the new – “What
things new did he say?” – and only yawn at what you think you heard before, you
might want to leave now. I’ll give you a call when we’re going to talk about
something new – never (some chuckles).
There’s a fascination with that.
It’s like an addiction. I’ll talk more about that in our upcoming Addictions
gathering. But there is an obsession with that new – “Got to find out
something new.” Got to find out something new, first of all, so I can be the
one telling everybody else I just heard something new.” It has to be something
new, because you’re really bored with the old. You have to have that new almost
as a distraction, because, well, you never really did the old, what was said
before, you never really followed through on it or allowed it, so it’s got to
be something new. And I get a little tired of that. Stand in my sandals for a
moment, always having to come up with something new every month just for the ‘new’
people, just for the ones who like new.
So I decided, not today. Not
today. There’s nothing new about today. And now if we can get rid of all the
ones who just come here for the new, now we can get down to business. Okay,
let’s do something new now that they’re gone (laughter).
It’s energy feeding. It’s annoying.
It’s like, what am I, an entertainer up here? You know … (some in audience say
“Yeah” and some laughter) Okay! Let’s do something new!! (more laughter)
You don’t come here for new. You
come here just to get open. I’m just a big can opener in your life (Adamus
chuckles). You just come here to open. It is easy to get stuck out there. You
don’t notice me sticking around at the end of the Shoud. I leave because it’s
so easy to get stuck and trapped out there. It really is, and not only are you
stuck in the day-to-day activities, but you’re stuck in a body too. I just come
in and rent this one a few times a month and move on. But it’s tough. We just
come here to give you a bit of – I was going to say spiritual massage, but it’s
not that – just a consciousness massage and do a little human tipping of you
(Adamus chuckles).
Have you ever done that, Kerri?
Cow tipping?
KERRI: No, I have not.
ADAMUS: Try it.
KERRI: I could practice on you.
ADAMUS: Try it (some laughter).
KERRI: I’ll have fun tipping.
ADAMUS: Well, I’ve got to fall
asleep first and I never sleep.
ADAMUS: So, yeah. Try it. Take
some pictures, yeah, and we’d like to see the video next month (Adamus
KERRI: Okay. Is that an
assignment, professor?
ADAMUS: No. It’s like going to the
amusement park (Adamus chuckles).
So, nothing new. It’s all here.
Why don’t you know it? Because you just haven’t opened to it. That’s all. Why?
It’s a big challenge. And why? I’ll get into it again in our upcoming gathering,
but you get addicted to life. You get addicted to it. You get addicted to the
journey. You get addicted to the problems. You get addicted to the whole thing,
and you come here to hear your Self, the enlightened Self saying, “Just take a
deep breath. Just take a deep breath and allow.”
So the other thing I wanted to
bring up. You are probably finding out already, or finding out even more, that
life is becoming a whole series of contradictions, and that’s difficult. The
human likes things nice and organized and knowing where point A and point B and
C are. You’re probably noticing tremendous contradictions in yourself, in what
I’m telling you; contradictions on one hand where I say, “Be in life. Be in the
joy of life,” but the next moment I’m going to tell you you’re addicted to
life. You say, “Well, isn’t that a contradiction?” No, not at all. Not at all.
Where in one moment we’re talking
about being open, the next moment talking about being focused. Isn’t that a
contradiction? No. Not really. Not really, particularly once you start allowing
yourself to be in the “and,” because there are
contradictions at different levels of reality and vibration and energy.
There are great contradictions in what you would call nature, natural reality,
and what’s in other realities. And that’s why it’s difficult to see them,
because you look at it through the eyes of expectation that everything has to
be a certain way in the other realms, and then you go out there and you can’t
find it. Well, because it’s an “and.” It’s different. The gravity that works
here could be very different than gravity somewhere else, the reaction of
energies here very different than other places.
So please get used to it. The
contradictions. There’s nothing wrong with your mind when you start perceiving
grand contradictions in things and in yourself, nothing wrong at all. As a
matter of fact, it’s really time to go beyond just linear thinking and
everything having to be the same.
It’s very difficult at first on
your mind, on your reality-scape. You feel very, very out of sorts. Nothing
makes sense and there are desperate attempts to try to put everything back
together. And then you get depressed and anxiety and you can’t sleep at night.
Well, you’ll get over it. You will get over it and start to realize that as an
embodied Master, there are many different levels of reality, and they all don’t
have to agree with each other. The physics on this planet don’t have to agree
with physics in other dimensions one bit.
That’s why it’s amusing. You’ll
find it amusing at some point. That’s almost why things are right here. Cauldre
was talking to somebody at the break about gravity and about that as the energy
source that Tesla came to understand. But scientists aren’t going to see that
right now, because they assume that this reality also works in this (other) reality.
The dynamics in here (one place) apply to here (another place), and they don’t.
It’s very different. And they can all exist and coexist together, even if
they’re out of sequence. Even if they’re incompatible, they can coexist
together. That is a huge point.
That’s why I say everything is in
the Now. It cannot possibly happen outside the Now. There’s nothing outside the Now. But you
perceive that there’s a past and a future, and it’s very difficult to perceive
that the enlightened being is right here and the schmuck being is right here
too. All of it’s right here, and they
don’t have to be compatible – compatible physics, compatible energy,
compatible consciousness – yet they can coexist. That is huge, so important.
Now, the mind will struggle with
that, as a few of you are doing right now, “How does that work?” Your mind is
not going to figure it out, and I’ll explain that in just a bit. So just be
comfortable with it. Just be comfortable. That’s opening up. That’s opening up,
and there are times you’re going to feel very awkward and it doesn’t make sense
physically, mentally, spiritually, and you’re going to feel like you’re being
turned upside down, and that’s okay. That’s okay.
The Mind
A lot of you worry about getting a
little older and the mind going away. You know, there’s not a lot of difference
between going geriatric and going enlightened (some laughter). No, there’s not.
There’s not, other than being able to understand what’s happening.
I’ll use the example, imagine a
flashlight, and when a person gets older, their mind, well, it’s like the
batteries in the flashlight aren’t quite as strong as what they used to be. And
on top of that, instead of the beam having a very sharp focus, the beam is a
little fuzzier and more expansive. So a lot of times the older people, who
you think are just going daffy and they think they’re just a little oddly
happier than they’ve ever been (laughter), they don’t have to deal with
everything anymore. Some of them fake it, by the way, just so they don’t have
to deal with humans anymore. But the mind is getting mushier and starting to
drift into the other realms. Whether it’s the death realm, whether it’s just
the other realms that are already here, they’re starting to drift into it.
Now, what you would call a sane
rational human is listening to them babbling and thinking, “Oh, they’re just
losing it and I hope I never get to be like that.” Well, you are getting like that (Adamus chuckles).
That was funny! (more chuckling) But with a difference. It’s not just about
getting older. What’s happening to you is you’re expanding beyond the mind and
you’re starting to perceive other realms. And you hear me talking about it, you
say, “Oh! That sounds great. This is like a great big science fiction movie and
I’m the star. This is a great new realm – Star Trek, Star Wars,” all the rest
of that. But then when it starts happening, you’re like, “Oh! What’s wrong with
me?! I can’t remember anything. Oh! What’s wrong with my brain?”
It’s like the old person’s brain.
It’s just expanding. But instead of you losing your focus, instead of going out
of focus, what’s happening is you still have – this is the good news and the
bad news – you still have a focus and the batteries are still charged
up. Yes, they are. You still have a focus, but now you’re also having a focus
here, and another one here, and another one here, and another one here
(gesturing to different places). You’re becoming multi-focused, you see. You’ve
got all these different beams. Instead of just one beam – like a
30-year-old, one beam focused here – you’re starting to put them everywhere.
That is very odd at first, but I want you to go with me for a moment to the
point where it’s not odd. Okay?
So here you are now wondering,
“What’s happening to me? I can’t remember everything.” You’re just putting your
focus in many different realities. The mind is struggling to comprehend it, to
remember it, to make sense out of it, and it cannot. It cannot. Biggest mistake
– I’m going to wait till the end to wrap that up, but the biggest mistake – it
can’t. So stop trying. It’s that simple.
Your mind has a focus here and
it’s only going to be able to focus
here – maybe here (another place) and a little bit beyond, not much though –
so stop trying to make the mind understand what it cannot. It cannot.
So come with me right now. We
don’t need music or anything, but come with me into what is the Now, into
what’s not new. Okay? First thing. It’s not new. We’re not going to do
something new here, because you’re already there. And this is not a mind game;
this is called Reality 101 (meaning the Basics of Reality). Come with me for a
moment where you have this place of focus on this Earth – on your body, on your
thoughts, on your identity. That should be easy. This is what you do every day,
where you have your habits, where you have your sense of balance and
Okay. Now we have that. That’s a
given. But right now at this same moment, beyond mental thought, are the other
things, what you would call, dimensions. I’d even like to get to the point
within six months from now we don’t use the word dimensions anymore. That
sounds so new age hokey. They’re just realities. They’re just expressions, and
right now you have them. Right now they’re there.
Well, I can prove it. You do it in
your dreams every night. Some of you remember, some of you don’t, but you’re
simply going into another reality, another expression, another experience. And
oftentimes they go far beyond a physical-mental so they’re difficult to relate
with, but they’re there. It’s your soul, your I Am-ness just singing, for
instance, without having to use their vocal cords, because it doesn’t need it
there. Just singing. Feeling that expression coming through. That’s a reality.
The reality also, a focus, an
“and” where you are content. Content – I don’t want to use the word “peace,”
because that even has a false meaning – but you’re simply okay with
everything that’s going on at multiple levels.
It’s here right now. There’s the
you, the focus that is a teacher, an amazing teacher. It doesn’t have to be
here in the physical body, in the mind. It could be, but it doesn’t have to be.
And where you’re sharing your kharisma, your light. You don’t have to have 100
people sitting in front of you on stiff chairs wondering when they’re going to
have pizza (a few giggles). No. You could simply be in the other focus
radiating your kharisma. That’s teaching. Whoever said that it has to be in
front of group? That kind of actually doesn’t always work so well, but just
being radiant.
There’s the other focus of you, so
unhuman that it’s almost difficult to understand, so un-body, un-mind, that is
just a beingness. A beingness. It’s just there.
And there’s another focus of you,
an expression that, believe it or not, wants to do it all over again, all the
human thing over again. No, really. Really. That’s the one that scares me (he chuckles).
No, but it’s the one that understands this thing, the multiplicity, the “and.”
And it understands that there really is no pain or no trauma, and it
understands that it’s just an amazing experience, not a test, and it’s wanting
to come back. It’s really wanting to. And there’s another focus that already
has, you see. Another lifetime. I didn’t say after this; it could be before
this. It could be before this.
Yes, you can be an Ascended Master
and have another lifetime, and it doesn’t matter where it is. It doesn’t matter
if it’s pre-enlightenment or post-enlightenment, because none of that matters
at a certain point. It doesn’t. You can be absolutely ascended and say, “I want
to do another expression.” And you can do it differently without having to go
through a regular birth process, as Tobias did. And you can do it just to have
fun. You can do it without getting all heady and philosophical and stuck and
all the rest of that. And you are all these things.
Now, I say that, you’re saying that – your
enlightened Self who is absolutely here is saying that, trying to make such a
point on the human focus that sits here in these chairs or is watching over the
Internet – and you’re like, “Oh yeah! This isn’t new. I know all this. I
know this. It’s so easy. I am an ‘and’ being. I’m not trapped in shit!” I did
that to wake you up (a few chuckles). Some of you were kind of getting dozy. You’re
not trapped in anything – concrete, crap, anything. You are not! It was just the
focus of where you were. But, as you know, part of you, not all of you, part of
you is going to walk out the door or turn off your Internet later on, and part
of you is then going to get back into singular focus. When you do, just stop.
Just stop. Take that deep breath – and – you’re not.
Now, what’s happening here is
you’re loosening up. You’re loosening up a linear reality that’s been occurring
for ages, kind of trapped in that reality while all these other realities also
exist, but you’re loosening that one up. You’re getting out of your own tight
underwear, and it is challenging,
because part of you so much wants to just make that linear reality a little
better. And you get aggravated with me because every month you come here, it’s
like, “I just want to make my life better,” and it’s like, I’m going to blow up
your life, because actually it’s what you want. Because it gets so stuck when
you’re not “and.”
Every Master, including you,
figured that one out. “Oh! I was just trying to make my human life perfect,”
and that sucks. If you try to do that, that will get you into Red Lion, Number
Two (Adamus chuckles). My next book. I’m looking for an author to work with me
on it. Red Lion, Number Two becomes when the person is obsessed with their …
(Crash snaps a picture) Thank you. You have to stop every once in a while and
get your photo taken, you know? That’s a Zen saying – “Stop every once in a
while for a picture.” Now, where was I?
LINDA: Do it one more time. (Crash
snaps another photo and Adamus laughs)
ADAMUS: The Linda look (more
chuckles). What are you saying, my dear? What are you trying to tell me in
this? What … yeah, hurry, take the picture. Click the button. Okay. So now he
walks off stage (Adamus walks down the aisle). Crash is wondering, “What do I
do next? Do I follow him around the room? Do I follow him like a little dog
taking his picture?” Well, of course you do! (laughter) Because we have to show
the many poses and faces of Adamus (he poses on a back table). I’m not just the
stage guy. Hurry take it. I’m not just a stage guy (chuckling). Oh, where was
that distraction that I just planted? Oh, I love it!
Red Lion, Number Two. Red Lion, Number
Two is about the adept, the student trying so hard to do enlightenment. Oh!
And, oh, it’s like the cross they bear and it’s the thing they bore everybody
with, including themselves, and they try so hard. And they’re always, “Oh, poor
me. I’m working at it. No breakthrough. No breakthrough. What’s wrong?” And so
they get even more righteous about their enlightenment. Oh! – yawn – been there, done that.
They’re so into trying to craft
their humanness that they lose the whole damn point. They’re so busy trying to
make that little tiny cage of theirs a little bigger or better that they lose
the whole point. We’re going to blow up the cage. “Oh, no! You can’t. I’ve
worked so hard at it. Oh! And I’m such a good student, and oh poor me and oh!”
I’m just going to come along and – boom!
– blow up the cage or – poke – tip it
“Oh! How could you do that,
Adamus? Oh, God doesn’t love me.” No, there is no God and he doesn’t love you
anyway” (laughter). So I – poke – boom,
it all goes over. “Oh! My life is falling apart. I don’t know if I want to stay
on the planet. Ohh!” Shut up! Boom‼
“Oh, god. Thank you, Adamus. I
needed that. I needed somebody to blow up my reality, because I was so stuck in
it and I thought you were supposed to come along and just make it more
comfortable. And now I realize, god, what a Grand Ascended Master you are. You
blew it up” (some chuckles). Hey, that’s what I do for a living. I hear kind of
a half laugh there (more chuckles). Oh, ehh.
So guess what? Instead of me
blowing it up, I’ll let you blow it up.
KERRI: All right!
ADAMUS: All right (chuckling).
Yeah, wait till next month.
But, in a way – and I said it was
all Adamus today, there is nothing else but Adamus – that’s kind of
what’s happening and sometimes it’s so hard and sometimes, you know, I know
some of you, you sneak away from Crimson Circle. You cheat on me. You go to
other groups and aliens who’ll tell you, “Ohhh! You poor thing. You’re so
loved” and “We’re going to come here and give you all the information and make
you better.” They don’t! I’ve heard that crap for about three million years.
“Oh! We’re going to come to Earth and help you.” They don’t! And actually I
don’t either. I just tell you like it is.
You’re going through this amaz- …
isn’t this kind of fun today?
ADAMUS: Yes (Adamus chuckles).
It’s an amazing, challenging, difficult, beautiful thing that’s happening, but
you’re getting out of that singular human focus, and it’s rough. It’s rough.
But it’s wonderful, and you will thank me later. Maybe. (someone says “Yeah”) Yeah.
So where were we? Oh, today we’re
going to do questions and answers. We don’t normally do that. But, Linda, would
you get the microphone? I’m going to ask the questions, you’re going to give
the answers (some laughter).
LINDA: Shocking.
ADAMUS: And today is kind of –
it’s a different energy. So just feel free to be whoever you want to be, and
yourself. Feel free. It’s more casual today. I sent half the people away that
wanted new stuff, so it’s just us talking, and a few beautiful souls listening
in. So let’s just keep it casual, keep it open. I doubt if anybody’s ever, ever
going to go back and listen to this.
LINDA: Yeah right (some chuckles).
ADAMUS: Just us Ascended Masters.
Questions & Answers
So first question, and please
remember, keep it concise. Okay. First question. Go find somebody first and
then I’ll ask the question.
LINDA: Okay.
ADAMUS: Ah! Find somebody. Oh!
Okay. You get the question, and if you wouldn’t mind standing. What are you
worried about? And would somebody write on the board? Somebody be gracious
enough to just write.
ADAMUS: Tad. Wonderful. Thank you.
LINDA: Oh, wait, wait! Okay, we’re
good. Yeah, Tad. Go ahead, Tad.
ADAMUS: Tad, and she gets an
Adamus Award for coming all the way …
LINDA: I don’t have anymore!
ADAMUS: … from the back of the
LINDA: They’re gone!
ADAMUS: You get some money. Oh, he
doesn’t have any money.
LINDA: Oh! Poor you.
TAD: Free of charge today.
ADAMUS: Wow. Wow. That was stupid.
TAD: I’m a teacher.
ADAMUS: I was about to give her
$100. Okay. So question is what are you worried about?
NANCY: I really can’t think of
anything I’m worried about.
ADAMUS: Really?! You want me to give
you something to worry about?
NANCY: Sure (some chuckles).
ADAMUS: Okay. Really? No sleepless
NANCY: You know I’m …
ADAMUS: Money?
ADAMUS: Health?
ADAMUS: Uhhhh, there’s that little
hesitation there.
NANCY: Yeah, I have this little
problem with my eye today. But …
ADAMUS: But you’re not worried
about it.
NANCY: Well, it’ll go away.
ADAMUS: Well … see that? Oh! You
guys are too good for me. Okay. Thank you. Would you write “worry” (to Tad) and
then answer number one, “Nada.” Thank you. Nothing. You’re not worried about
any family members or friends or anything?
NANCY: Not really.
ADAMUS: You don’t really care
about them. Okay (laughter). Good. Thank
NANCY: Okay.
ADAMUS: Okay, next.
LINDA: Gotta get a visitor.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah, visitors.
Visitors are fair game. What are you worried about in your life?
LENNART: Sometimes I don’t know
what I shall do with my time.
ADAMUS: Yeah, with your time or
with your whole life?
LENNART: No, with my time.
ADAMUS: Yes. Does that trouble
LENNART: Not really.
ADAMUS: Oh. What’s this, the no
worry section over here?! (laughter) Everybody else is constipated, anxiety,
everything else. Oh! But over here, yeah, Linda just happens to pick the two. Or
is it makyo?
ADAMUS: Hm. What are you worried
LENNART: (pausing) I know that
I’ll get there …
LENNART: But when?
ADAMUS: But when. Okay. Do you
worry about it a lot?
ADAMUS: Hm. You worry about money?
LENNART: A bit. Not much.
ADAMUS: Yeah, not much. How much
do you have in your pocket?
ADAMUS: I’d be worried if I were
you (laughter). Yeah. That was a good answer, because I would have taken it
(more laughter). Are you worried about where you’re going to go in life?
ADAMUS: No. You’re living with
your parents?
LENNART: Mm, I’m staying with my
parents, but I don’t …
ADAMUS: Aahhh! Aah! (laughter)
Staying with them for like 50 years? (Adamus chuckles)
LENNART: No! No. For a month or
ADAMUS: Ooh, for, okay.
LENNART: But it’s nice, because
I’m visiting with my father whom I don’t see a lot.
ADAMUS: Absolutely. Absolutely.
It’s them that are laughing. I’m not. I understand. So but do you ever – not
worry like overwhelm worry, but just like – “Gah, where am I going to be in
five years?”
ADAMUS: Do you have a job?
LENNART: Right now, no.
ADAMUS: No worries. Good. I’m
baffled and amazed, and I would call you on your makyo if I felt there was any.
ADAMUS: Okay. Good. Good.
Excellent. Well.
TAD: Nada.
LINDA: Okay.
TAD: Nada.
ADAMUS: Nada. Nada. Yes. And
everybody watching in online right now, I know you’re amazed too, as I am, that
there are no worries so far. But here I think we have one.
DIANE: Ehh! (she chuckles) A few.
ADAMUS: A few. What do you worry
DIANE: (sighs) My daughter.
ADAMUS: Your daughter. How much of
your worrying goes towards your daughter?
DIANE: Well, it’s not 24-7, but …
ADAMUS: But of all the worrying
that you do about everything, what percent would go to your daughter?
DIANE: Thirty.
ADAMUS: Thirty, fifty.
DIANE: Mm. Fifty. Okay.
ADAMUS: Yeah, fifty, sixty. Okay.
How is that helping her?
DIANE: Oh, it’s not. Well, there
are things I do to help her, but I’m caught between the old fashioned …
ADAMUS: Does she ever say, “Oh,
mom. Thanks for worrying about me, because it’s really helping a lot.”
ADAMUS: No. Okay. Okay. And what
else do you worry about?
DIANE: Brain damage.
ADAMUS: Um, yeah.
DIANE: It runs in the family.
DIANE: And I know we’re supposed
to be releasing …
DIANE: … our ancestral.
DIANE: But it’s there.
ADAMUS: (Poke) Ancestor tipping. It’s just – poke – push ‘em over. Yeah. I don’t know why, but Cauldre and Linda
did not announce that we just did an amazing, brilliant recording the other day
called Ancestral Freedom, and in two and a half hours it cures the whole thing.
DIANE: Great!
ADAMUS: Yep. Yep.
DIANE: I’ll be sure and get that
ADAMUS: Yes. I’m doing a little
pre-promotion on it. Yes.
DIANE: Okay.
ADAMUS: You get a free copy.
DIANE: Thank you.
ADAMUS: Yes. Thank you. So
anything else you’re worried about?
DIANE: Umm, nothing major. No.
ADAMUS: Mmm. Mm-mm-mm-mm. Okay.
Just one more. One more thing.
(She pauses)
DIANE: Well, the whole
enlightenment business.
ADAMUS: The whole enlightenment
business. Yes, yes (laughter). Yeah. “Let’s see, I can’t think of anything
else. Oh, yeah! The world! The universe! God! The whole … oh yeah! I kind of
forgot about that little stress in my life.” Yeah.
So what would be your worry about
DIANE: Oh, you know. Am I doing it
right? When will I get there? I understand that I am already there.
ADAMUS: Oh, let’s go right to the
core. Does it exist?
DIANE: (pausing) Okay.
ADAMUS: I’d worry about that. If I
were any of you, I’d worry “Is it even real?” Yeah. I mean, I’d worry big-time
about that.
DIANE: Mm hmm.
DIANE: We’re taking it on faith.
ADAMUS: Sure. Sure. And what proof
do you have?
DIANE: None.
ADAMUS: Absolutely none. But I
will tell you one little secret.
Even if it’s not true, even if
it’s all about a bunch of whitewash, a funny thing happens, because of the
nature of consciousness, that if it didn’t exist, consciousness makes it exist,
creates it to exist. If I use my green pond scum story, say, if there is no God,
it was just this weird evolution from green pond scum and it created Earth and
humans and everything else, and there is no God, there are no angels,
consciousness – which has to exist, it has to exist for anything else to exist
– consciousness is now going to create God and heavens and angels and ascension
and enlightenment and the full blossoming of what was just green pond scum into
magnificent Ascended Masters.
That’s the beauty of it. It’s
actually not necessarily coming top down – God, angels, humans, animals, green
pond scum – it could come up the other way. It’s the amazing thing.
That’s the beauty of consciousness. If everything else is distorted or not true
or doesn’t exist, the moment consciousness is added, it becomes so. That’s the
amazing thing.
So let’s say there is no such
thing as enlightenment. You’re born and you die and that’s it. Suddenly, the
moment that your consciousness says, “No, there’s more,” then there is. That’s
the amazing thing. And that applies to everything, whether it’s this, whether
it’s your human life, and that’s kind of actually what’s happening in your
human life right now. You’re putting consciousness in it and it’s expanding and
creating. Whether it was ever there before or not, now it is. The amazing miracle
that’s happening is even if there was just, let’s say, the old biblical God and
that’s all there was and you die and you go to heaven or hell, let’s say that’s
all there was, suddenly it’s changing from consciousness. Suddenly, it’s like
now I want more. Now there is more. Okay. Well, thank you. Thank you for
letting me carry on.
One more with the worries, what
are your worries? What are your worries?
I ask the question because I hear
so much worrying all the time – worry, worry, worry, worry; stress,
stress, stress – and it affects your sleep and your health and everything else.
And now I’m not hearing so many worries. The ones watching in online, you’re
letting your worries come out. You’re saying, “What the hell! They got the
microphone. If it was me, I’d be talking about all this stuff!”
Pete, what is it?
PETE: Well, cancer.
ADAMUS: Cancer. That’s a big one
to worry about.
PETE: Yeah.
PETE: Just got through cancer
ADAMUS: Yes, good.
PETE: And five brothers had the
cancer. My father had cancer and his brother had cancer. So it’s like a gene in
our family and it just, you know, that’s the only concern I have.
ADAMUS: It’s more than a gene.
PETE: Yeah, there are, whatever.
ADAMUS: Yeah. It’s an energy
attribute that’s stuck in the family line.
PETE: Right.
ADAMUS: You know, we’re going to
go out of that and we will. That’s one of my biggest passions of working with
PETE: But the other thing …
ADAMUS: Family tipping – poke.
PETE: Yeah. Well, the other thing
was, you know, I said, okay, what’s the lesson in this cancer?
ADAMUS: Right.
PETE: And what it turned out is
that I’m not in control or the maker. And I’ve got to surrender and give up. So
give up worry.
ADAMUS: Give up worry.
PETE: Yeah.
ADAMUS: And Pete …
PETE: And, you know, just …
ADAMUS: Worrying isn’t going to
solve it.
PETE: No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t.
ADAMUS: And trying to overcome it
mentally will not solve it …
ADAMUS: … at all. So what do you
PETE: I had to surrender to it.
ADAMUS: You say surrender …
PETE: It means …
ADAMUS: Stop trying to control …
PETE: Right.
ADAMUS: … and worry.
PETE: Yeah.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.
PETE: As a man I was always in
control. That’s where I got my self-esteem.
PETE: You know, produce and all
that stuff, and that’s bullshit.
ADAMUS: Wound of Adam.
PETE: Yeah, okay.
ADAMUS: I mean, you know, “Oh! I’m
a man and I have to …” Yeah, yeah.
PETE: Yeah.
ADAMUS: We’re going to talk about
that soon too. Yeah. I’ll give you a free copy.
PETE: Well, thank you (Adamus chuckles).
ADAMUS: So, okay. And how are you
feeling now?
PETE: Really good.
PETE: Even today … I was
distracted for the last three months, as you can see why.
PETE: But this morning I got up
and just said, “Hey! You’re going to a lovely place, a bunch of angels. I like
ADAMUS: Heaven? Heaven?
ADAMUS: Oh, you mean here! Here!
PETE: Yeah. A bunch of angels
ADAMUS: I thought you were leaving
us today. You meant, oh, here. Yeah.
PETE: And there’s lovely energy
here. And just align myself with that energy.
ADAMUS: There is.
PETE: And get attuned.
ADAMUS: Yeah. And, you know, it’s
interesting. No matter how much the mind would try to focus on it and figure it
out and “Why do I have cancer and what am I going to do and what’s God trying to
tell me? What’s the lesson?” Spit! on
all that.
You’re still in the family energy
and it was a wakeup call for you. It’s like you’re no longer your family. And
these things, whether it’s mental illness, physical, they are carried … I
talked about that. Why don’t we release that? Why aren’t we releasing that
recording now? Linda?
PETE: It stripped it away for a
lot of stuff. I can feel it.
ADAMUS: Yeah, and it does. And
it’s like … it just releases it. “It’s not mine.”
PETE: Yeah.
ADAMUS: And at the same time there
is almost a level of being uncomfortable. You’re saying, “Uh huh. I let go of
my foundations with the family and carrying on those energetic traditions. Now,
who am I?” So there is that part, but then you get through it. Good. Thank you,
Next question and we’ll have to
move along. We’ve got a lot to talk about. Next question is, and Linda this is
for anybody, right behind you.
LINDA: I’m sorry?
ADAMUS: This is for anybody, right
behind you.
LINDA: Okay, okay, okay (Adamus
chuckles). Oh, oh, oh! Not just anybody.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
LINDA: But anybody. Got it.
ADAMUS: No, no. Right here.
LINDA: I got it.
ADAMUS: Kathleen.
LINDA: I got it.
ADAMUS: Yeah, okay.
LINDA: Ask the question.
ADAMUS: No. Give the microphone.
No, to Kathleen.
LINDA: Ohhh!
ADAMUS: Yes. So, what are you
fighting? Come out, come on into the light, as I like to say (some laughter).
Come on, come on, come on, into the light. Yes. You’re still in the shadows
over there.
KATHLEEN: What am I fighting?
ADAMUS: What are you fighting? Oh,
this’ll be good (she sighs). Ah!
LINDA: Scary.
KATHLEEN: Allowing all.
KATHLEEN: My realization.
ADAMUS: Yeah, okay. But let’s get
down …
KATHLEEN: Because it’s …
ADAMUS: What are you fighting?
It’s a good fight. I’ve been watching the battle for a while.
(She pauses)
Now, I’ve got to distract you,
because you were going too mental.
KATHLEEN: You’re going deep.
ADAMUS: Mm hmm. Mm.
KATHLEEN: And you want me to go
ADAMUS: Really deep. Oh, I love
it. And we’ll both stand (he stands up). We’ll both stay standing. So, what are
you fighting there?
(She pauses again and sighs)
Steam rolls out of her ears (a few
chuckles). Yeah.
KATHLEEN: The rest of my heart.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. Well …
KATHLEEN: All of me.
ADAMUS: Yeah, what are you
fighting? What are these battles? Do you know what they are?
Can I …are you okay if I say?
KATHLEEN: I’ve been pretty happy,
but I’ll hear you.
ADAMUS: Hoah! If that’s happy, I’m
going to hell! (laughter) Aye yai yai! There’s so much more, my dear. You know,
don’t settle for that as happiness. That’s … can I swear? That’s bullshit. Do
not settle for that as happiness. It’s not. Your managed misery – and I’m not
picking on you, I’m just trying to blow you up a little bit here – that’s
managed misery, and there’s a big difference, my dear. You’ve been doing better
KATHLEEN: I chose to be done with
misery last year.
ADAMUS: You’re doing what you call
better, but there’s still so much more. And can I tell you what you’re
fighting? Or would you rather not?
KATHLEEN: I’ll hear it.
ADAMUS: I don’t know.
KATHLEEN: I’ll hear it.
ADAMUS: I mean, everybody’s
KATHLEEN: I’ll hear it.
ADAMUS: Okay. Ready? Don’t blame …
Cauldre’s saying don’t blame Cauldre.
KATHLEEN: I am shaking in my shoes
right now.
ADAMUS: You should be, because
we’re coming to that moment of truth here.
ADAMUS: Boy! This is intense!
KATHLEEN: Shit! Fuck!
ADAMUS: Yeah! (she giggles) Yeah!
Okay. So you’re fighting the witch within you.
ADAMUS: The witch that you were. I’m
so sorry, but, yeah boom! Brrr! (she
sighs) The witch that you were and that you felt failed miserably and that’s
still haunting you. And I’m talking about past life real witch. I mean, real witch. Real witch. And that power
that you’ve played with and that you kind of destroyed with and now you’re
fighting that every day. And it doesn’t even have a face, but it’s there. And,
my dear, there’s no need to fight anymore, because nobody’s going to win.
Nobody’s going to win. You’re not going to win; the witch isn’t going to win.
So done with the fight. It was about power, abuse, misuse; you hold yourself
back. You hold yourself back never wanting to be the witch again, but then you
tell me that you’re happy and it’s like, oh man, that’s happiness? Wow.
Stop. Take a deep breath. Stop
trying to figure it out, okay? The witch is cool. The witch wasn’t what you
thought it was, okay? I don’t care what they told you.
KATHLEEN: It happens when I am standing
in front of people.
ADAMUS: Yeah. And it happens
mostly when you’re standing in front of yourself.
So there is a huge suppression
that’s going on, like, “Put it down, put it down, put it down.” And the witch
is like, “Screw you” and she’s using her witch stuff on you and it is you.
Now, that’s weird (a few chuckles), but it’s very true. She’s going to like,
“I’m going to keep putting spells on you. I’m going to keep you on your toes.
I’m not going to let you settle back into Happyville” until we come to some
sort of resolution about this, okay? So let the witch out.
ADAMUS: No, I’m serious. And the
rest of you stand out of the way (laughter). Well, it’s – oh! I don’t like past
life stuff but it is in this case, and it’s deliberate holding back and it’s a
lot of, “I’m going to try to be the good girl. I’m going to try to behave. I’m
going to try …” and it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work. And you blow stuff up,
and then you’re like, “Oh! I have to be alone, because I blow everything up and
I screw everybody up.” And it’s like stop for a moment, okay? Just let the
witch out. Let her free. It’s that simple. Okay.
My point is there are a lot of
these internal battles, and when I hear some of you say, “I’m not worried about
anything,” or “No, my life is happy,” aarghh! Really?! Really?! I mean, who do
you think I am, Kuthumi? Pull one over on me? Ha, ha! (some laughter) Sorry.
Let it out, okay? And there’s … I ask you what you’re fighting and (a) you
don’t know – well, you do, but you’re not going to admit it – and (b)
you’re not going to win. You are not going to win that fight. The witch will
win. She’s got more power because she knows how to use those things. You’re
held back. You try to close in, and she’s going to win every time. Okay? Let
the witch out.
Okay, we’re really going down some
trails here. So I’m not going to ask that question. I’m going to go on to the
last question, I’ve asked before, I’ll ask again – microphone to somebody.
Oh! You want to sit on my
question. Why are you going to stay?
LARRY: Stay where? (a few giggles)
I’m not …
ADAMUS: Why are you going to stay?
LARRY: Oh, on the planet. Oh, I
ask that all the time.
ADAMUS: I know. And you’re not the
only one, Larry.
ADAMUS: You’re not. So why are you
going to stay?
LARRY: Ummm (pausing).
Enlightenment. (Adamus makes a sound) No?
LARRY: All right.
ADAMUS: Why are you going to stay?
Did you want me to be brutally honest about it?
LARRY: Sure.
ADAMUS: Okay. And this is for a
lot …
LARRY: Why not? You did it over
here. Come on!
ADAMUS: Sure, sure. I said it was
an all-Adamus day, all-Adamus all-star day.
LARRY: Oh yeah, it’s all about
you. Come on.
ADAMUS: Because you’re afraid to
LARRY: Oh, okay.
ADAMUS: And for the rest of you who are feeling this
question, because you’re afraid to leave, otherwise, you would go.
LARRY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: But you’re afraid, and,
you know, “What happens?” and “Have I failed?” and “Is this real? What’s really
on the other side?” and “Is there anything?” Otherwise, a lot of you would have
gone by now. But you’re afraid to leave, so you’re going to hang out with the
wagon train and like, “Okay, we’ll go to the monthly meetings and we’ll say
we’re spiritual.” And actually it kind of holds everything back, you know.
Actually, there is no dishonor in leaving, and I’m not addressing, Larry, just
you. But, Larry, and many others, you’re waiting to see, “Well, maybe it’ll
change tomorrow.” Probably not. We’ve talked about it before. It’s like the weather;
it’s going to be the same. “Maybe good fortune will come my way.” Listen, if
good fortune hasn’t found your house by now, it’s never going to (Adamus
So there is kind of an apathetic
procrastination that takes place and, “Oh! I don’t want to be here, but I’m
afraid to leave” and “We’ll just wait and see what happens.” And then I have to
come in and slap you up a few times and beat you up and – poke! – tip you over and all the rest of that. I’ll do that again –
poke! – for the camera (laughter). A picture is worth a thousand memories.
LARRY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: But, you know – you can
give Linda the microphone, because I’m talking to everybody now – look
at it from my viewpoint for a moment here. Pretend you’re an Ascended Master.
You’ve got this dynamic – “Oh, I
don’t know if I want to stay. And, oh, it’s tough. And …” Okay, okay. But
you’re not going to go either. It’s kind of disgusting, actually. I mean, it’s
really disgusting. It really doesn’t look so good on you, and it looks bad on
my record up in the Ascended Masters Club. You know, they come, “Hey, how many
want to leave?” “Three, maybe four. That’s all (laughter). That’s all. But I’m
working with them.” And there’s a whole bunch actually that are kind of in
In between is a terrible spot to
be, as with Kathleen. In between is a terrible, terrible spot to be, because
you’re not here nor there. You’re not in the Now. You’re not anywhere. You’re
just in between. How would you like that written on your tombstone? “Don’t
remember who it was. Don’t remember the name on the tombstone or the year, but
they were in between.” “Who was it?” “I don’t know. They were just in between.”
It’s a terrible place to be. So
it’s kind of disgusting when you say, “Oh! I don’t know if I want to be here,”
and on the other hand, “Well, I’ll wait and see what happens tomorrow.” We’re
not going to get anyplace on this. We’re not. And that’s the Wound of Adam …
ahem … Adamus (he chuckles). That was funny. I’m telling that to my friends.
The Wound of Adamus – “What do I do?” We have all these Shaumbra gathered
in and it’s like, “Oh, I don’t want to be here, but I don’t want to go.” What!
That’s disgusting. Just make a choice one way or the other. You’re going to be
here or you’re not. That’s it. Commit to damn being here or get the hell out.
Please. Actually, you worry about dying; you’ve done it a thousand or more
times. It’s so easy. It really is. “Oh! But it’s so emotional, and I have to
take the pills or, you know, run my car over the cliff” (a few giggles). It’s
like, yeah, but it’s really easy.
So one way or the other but just
get on with it. Live or die. It’s all Adamus today! (Adamus chuckles) There’s
no compassion, is there? But you’re laughing.
TAD: I’m laughing.
ADAMUS: Yes. Yeah. Okay. So now
let’s get to the point.
Let’s take a deep breath.
I have stirred up the pot using a
microphone. I’ve really stirred it up. And “What’s this all about? Would he get
to the point? Would he get to the point?” Yes, I will.
The point is … I’m done (to Tad).
Thank you so much, and you can get twenty dollars from the treasury over there.
Leslie has money. Oh, pay her for today. Pay for everything, right?
Go Beyond Human
The point is, is there a point?
Yes. There is a point. The point is actually quite simple.
The point is twofold. There are
multiple focuses all going on at the same time, but you’re so locked into just
the human that you’re not seeing the others. Okay?
Second point is – and this is not
new – you are trying to do life or enlightenment from within the human mind and
perception, and it will not work. Trying to do awakening, spirituality,
enlightenment, realization, whatever you want to call it, and you’re trying to
do it from within the human perception. It will not work at all. You are going
to get frustrated, angry, tired, sick, and then you’ll die, and you’ll die
frustrated, angry, sick and tired and broke, having tried so hard to make all
this work from within humanness.
I’ve said it before, but I had to
take today to say it again. Stop it, Brother John. Stop trying to do it from Brother
John. It will not work. And you all do it, and you all end up on misery lane,
which is a dead-end street, and nobody can bail you out. Stop trying to do it
from the mind and beliefs and humanness. It will not work.
That was pretty simple. The
question is going to be, “Well, then how do I do it? What do I do Adamus? If
I’m not supposed to do it from the human mind, where or how am I supposed to do
I go back to a very important
statement. Like I said, we had to just stop everything and revisit an old
topic. You are not responsible for your
enlightenment, okay? And I said it – I’ve said it for a year and a half now
– but you end up going back there and trying to do it. Why? Why? I wonder. Are
you that obsessed with you doing it? (someone says “Yes.”) Yes. Thank you.
Everybody raises their hand, “Yep!”
SART: Pretty much! (Adamus
ADAMUS: And come back. How’s that
working for you? “Not so good.” Why do you keep doing it then? “I don’t know any better.” Yes, you do.
Dialogues With Self, I’m going to write my book.
So, but you keep trying. What’s
that about? Why do you keep going back to something that has not worked before
and is not going to work again – the human trying to do the enlightenment
thing? I know why – somebody said over here – control. Yeah,
Pete. Control. “I’ve gotta be a man” or “It’s the only thing I have, I don’t
know any better.” Stop it. Stop it.
You, as the human in the Now,
sitting here in the same place as the enlightened being in the Now or the witch
in the Now, you as the human are not responsible. You are only being asked to
do two simple things. One you’ve already done – choose. You’ve already done
that, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Otherwise, you wouldn’t put yourself
through such excruciating emotional and sometimes physical pain. You’ve already
made the choice.
Number two, just be aware. Just be
aware. That’s all.
The I Am is taking care of
everything else. Not God – we got rid of God – not angelic
councils or anything else, but the I Am. Your I Am is doing everything. Everything. You may not be able to
perceive it, because you have an expectation coming from a limited human
perspective. You may not understand, but the I Am is doing everything. It’s
just for you to be aware and to allow.
So we come a big full circle back,
and it’s not new. It’s allowing. But, you know, a funny thing happened to
allowing on the way to enlightenment is the human hijacked it. The human said,
“Okay, I’ve got to take over allowing,” and you think allowing now is allowing
other people to steal your energy. That’s not allowing; that’s stupidity. You
think allowing is just staying in your old ways. That’s not allowing; that’s
just being stubborn.
Allowing means absolute opening to
yourself, no matter what. No matter what is going on. You’ve taken allowing,
some of you, and you’re using allowing to find parking spots at shopping malls.
Shame on you! (some chuckles) “I allow myself – woo, woo, woo, woo! – to create
a parking spot.” That’s not allowing. That is psychic bullshit. And you know
what? A being who is truly in real allowing, not force-power-play-with-Adamus’-words
allowing, somebody who’s really in allowing actually never thinks about parking
spots. They don’t have to. It’s just there. They don’t have to worry, “Am I
going to get the best spot?” Park at the other end of the parking lot and walk
maybe, but stop using it like it’s a power tool. It’s not at all. It’s the
Some of you have hijacked allowing
going, “I’m allowing abundance, allowing abundance.” What does that really
sound like? “I’m allowing abundance. I’m allowing abundance.” (someone says
“Like you don’t have any”) Exactly. You don’t have any. The person who is
really allowing never has to think about abundance. They don’t have to try to
do it as a mantra, this word ‘allowing.’ They’ve allowed and they don’t have to
work at it. They have to remind themselves once in a while, “Hey, lighten up a
little bit,” and when you think about that, you remember, “Oh, that’s right.
I’m getting back into just that human tight-ass, constipated, mental self. Just
– poke! – self. Boom! Over. Over. Now
take a deep breath and relax.
So we’re going to take twelve
minutes to do some allowing. I know. It’s not new, but it’s important right
So let’s have the house lights
down. Let’s put on some music and let’s really allow – wide out, courageous
Merabh for Allowing
(music begins)
You know, I just can’t say it
enough, my dear friends. I cannot say it enough. This human mind-body composition/identity
is not going to do the enlightenment. You are going down a very rough and
dead-end path if you think it is.
It’s natural, yes. It’s natural to
revert back to that from time to time, and that’s when I come along and remind
you. But that human aspect of you isn’t going to do it. It doesn’t know how to.
It doesn’t have the expansiveness to do it. And it also shouldn’t be held
My god! When I was just a mere
mortal, I didn’t know how to do it. I couldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t about
being good or doing things right, which I thought it was for a while, walking
that straight and narrow path. It doesn’t work. And yet so many of you try so
hard. It hurts me sometimes to see your efforting into enlightenment. So let’s
stop it.
I want you to notice in this next
month, kind of a fun homework. I want you to either go someplace
physically where there is spiritual people or religious people or, if you don’t
live in a location that allows you to do that, just go on the Internet to
spiritual or religious websites, and I want you to see how much effort there is
in those practices. Not to make a judgment, but I want you to see how hard
they’re working at it and how the leadership is making their members, their
followers work at it too.
And then I want you to look at
yourself, how hard you’ve been making it on you. It’s not your responsibility.
Kind of weird, but it’s not. You’re only being asked to make a choice and then
just to be aware. I mean, just be aware of the changes that are going on. Be
aware of the shifts that are taking place within you. But stop trying to figure
it out. This is called allowing.
It’s not the human’s
responsibility to open up into the other aspects or the other realities of
Self. It’s not.
It’s not your job to try to figure
out enlightenment. It’s not.
You’re just being asked to allow.
Allow you, the I Am.
There’s this thing called kharisma.
It’s that light within, the radiance.
In that radiance there are things
like knowingness and compassion. There are things like realization and
integration. And this light of the kharisma is always shining, always there.
You’re just being asked to allow it.
You don’t have to create the
kharisma. Well, let me put it a different way. You already did.
You don’t have to try to attain
some high spiritual, lofty, transcendental self. You can’t. You cannot, but
it’s already there.
It’s already there. You’re just
being asked to allow it. That’s all.
You’re just being asked to receive
it, to be open to it.
But, you know, you can’t do it if
you think you’re the one that has to figure it all out. You simply cannot. When
you’re taking that burden on your human self, you become so obsessed and
preoccupied, so distracted, that what’s right there will not be seen, that the
kharisma, that that light won’t even be noticed, because you’re so busy. The
human self is so busy trying to figure out enlightenment.
You could say, in a way, that it
was the “Dear John” month for a lot of you, a deep level of frustration and
lack of hope.
I can tell you and I can tell John
this very simple thing: stop trying to do your enlightenment.
It’s the human, the human
perception and human limitations that are trying to figure it all out, and
you’ll simply burn yourself up.
What can you do? What can you do
as a human? Allow. Not Jesus, not God, not Buddha, not anything else. Allow
your Self.
So take a good deep breath with
There are many, many, many facets
of yourself and expressions of yourself, which are here right now, which go far
beyond anything that, well, that the human mind could even imagine. So you
don’t. You don’t try to. You simply allow.
There are things called
enlightenment and the divine that the human cannot possible manufacture or
force or command. But you can allow.
Sometimes in the allowing it means
that life is going to have different twists and turns of what the human
expected. But this human who’s trying so hard to be enlightened has an
expectation of what would come next.
What comes next is truly part of
your God algorithm, your divine algorithm, but it may not be consistent with, it
may be in conflict with what you call your human algorithm. The human is just
being asked to allow this.
The human might have thought he or
she was going to be some grand spiritual teacher in this lifetime, and it just
hasn’t even come close. But that was a very human expectation.
Now, dear human, you’re just being
asked to allow.
It’s like receiving your Self, but
not a Self that is limited by you, by the human. You’re being asked to receive
all that you are, but it may be in contradiction to what the human expected.
Can you allow that?
Can you allow that there might be
a lot more than just trying to sand off the fine edges of your human life to
make it a little bit more cushy, and that other things are happening right now
that may make the human a bit uncomfortable?
I go back to the very basic
analogy of the butterfly and the caterpillar. It’s so true that even when the
caterpillar looked up in the sky and saw this beautiful butterfly and said,
“Someday I’d like to be like that,” the caterpillar did not have the
capabilities, as the caterpillar, to make it so. The caterpillar tried and tried
and tried to be the butterfly – tried to paste wings on its back, tried to cut
off some of its legs – but still couldn’t be the butterfly. It got very,
very frustrated and thought, “Oh, this butterfly dreaming is stupid.”
That’s kind of the same of what’s
happening with so many. You’re trying to put divine angel wings on your back,
on your human back, and it just doesn’t work.
It wasn’t until that caterpillar
stopped trying, stopped efforting so much and simply allowed the butterfly that
was already there – simply allowed that – that it then realized it was actually
both. It was both at the same time. It was the caterpillar and it was the
That’s the part that’s always left
out from that story, because it didn’t go from just being the caterpillar and
then become the butterfly. It was actually both.
That’s exactly what’s happening
with you. You’re not going to go from being human to being divine. You’ll be
both and a lot more.
Please stop trying so hard from
the human perspective.
It’s kind of your easy ticket here
today, that says you don’t have to work so hard at it anymore. Just allow.
Allow what? Well, it’s allowing the I Am. But allowing also means letting go of
the expectations of what happens next and how it happens. You just allow it.
It’s one of the simplest things to
do. But like I said before when I was talking about contractions, it can be one
of the hardest and the most challenging. It could be simplest and it could be
one the most challenging just to allow.
About 83 percent of you are going
to leave here maybe feeling a little better for a while and then you’re going
to go back tomorrow and wake up in the morning and once again start trying to
do enlightenment, like the caterpillar trying to paste the butterfly wings on
its back, and it’s not going to work.
You’re going to get frustrated and
depressed and wear yourself out. You’re going to lose hope. But then something
will go off within you like a bell ringing, maybe a siren, that’ll say, “Stop
for a moment. I don’t have to do this. The human does not have to do this. All
I need to do is allow.”
Then you take a very good deep
breath and just go about your life, however you want it to be.
So … good. Glad we got somewhere
today. Glad we got somewhere.
Let’s take a good deep breath
today and ahh! It should be actually refreshing that the responsibility is not
on you, really refreshing. I mean not on the limited you. It’s happening right
now. Things are moving. Things are changing. It should be really truly
refreshing that all you need to do is allow.
So let’s take a good deep breath
with that and let’s really feel into that parting statement that …
ADAMUS AND AUDIENCE: … all is well
in all of creation.
ADAMUS: Mwuahh!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
(audience applause).