
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Merlin I Am Series

October 2020 - September 2021

SERIES OVERVIEW – Significant changes are unfolding with the arrival of new energies and embodied mastery. "Merlin's Guide to Embodied Survival" offers a pathway to happiness and fulfillment, encouraging individuals to maintain a balanced perspective on worldly issues. Masters are transitioning from mind-centric dialogue to Self-communication through the non-mental "Facet Communication System." As the body's anayatron communication system fades, human interactions become more energy-based and less verbal. The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed a global consciousness shift, advancing genetics research and transforming financial systems, prompting a need to embrace energy awareness and live in the moment without judgment. The "Summer of Realization" emphasizes self-recognition and trust. By transcending time and connecting past and future, individuals can unlock their own Merlin magic, synchronizing with their energy and simplicity while leaving suffering behind. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Merlin I Am Series / 1

The Merlin’s Guide to Embodied Survival

October 03, 2020

Staying as a Merlin will be a little challenging, so Adamus offers a handbook for coping with the difficulties of the world. The guidelines focus on Energy Dynamics, simplicity, communication, and not getting entangled in politics, battles, or practical details. With the shift in communications that occurs for the embodied Master, fewer words are needed. The Master starts realizing the simple beauty in everything.

Merlin I Am Series / 2

Mastering Your Energy by Accepting Realization

November 07, 2020

Adamus acknowledges a longing that arises when the human, the Master, and the I Am start integrating. Edith, a very early Shaumbra, resisted acknowledging that the energy was hers, refusing to change her chair. She chose to come back for another lifetime. The world is at a tipping point, and we're simply illuminating different chairs. Trust the natural flow of energy within yourself.

Merlin I Am Series / 3

Æterna, Fantasy, and Consciousness Shifts

December 05, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a surge of consciousness across the world. Scientists have made big leaps in understanding our DNA. The way we handle money is changing. Masters embrace both the linear thinking associated with logic, time, memories, facts, and judgment, AND the circular thinking, associated with fantasy, timelessness, æterna, and an acceptance of all things 'as is.'

Merlin I Am Series / 4

Awakening Sensuality and Ancient Connections

January 09, 2021

Adamus reflects on the tumultuous year of 2020. Distractions have a profound impact on your path. They can lead you away from it, but also offer opportunities to explore different energies. He welcomes back those who have been distracted. In "Time of the Machines," a work-in-progress book that he started as St. Germain, he accounts for the journey of Shaumbra since Atlantis.

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Super Sensory Living

February 06, 2021

Traditional decision-making is based on data points and emotions, perpetuating cycles of suffering and lack. Advocating for a shift towards "super sensory living," Adamus introduces the scepter, which can take you to your own potentials and answers without obsessing in the mind. Love is by far the grandest of all the senses that you’ll ever have, and it cannot be defined or confined to data points.

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Global Consciousness Reset

March 06, 2021

Adamus discusses a major reset in global consciousness brought about by the coronavirus era. Dream big, trust your potentials, and avoid the pitfalls of conspiracy theories and judgment. 1500 Shaumbra have realized their Realization in a very personal and beautiful way. Don't fear disappointment. You are not here to compromise but to be the Merlin. Nothing holds you back.

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Ensynch - In the Flow of Your Energy

April 03, 2021

Adamus refers to the Consciousness Reset, a global redirection of energies due to shifts in consciousness after the pandemic. Shaumbra are different from other humans, in terms of what is meaningful to you, because you look within for answers while they look outside. Accepting this fact eases the friction of being different. To cope with being supersensory, Shaumbra can also be "ensynch," in the flow with their own energies.

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Soul Gifts of Harmony, Flow, and Happiness

May 01, 2021

Adamus explores the concept of being "ensync," in harmony with your own energy. He suggests journaling as a way to document your experiences and transformations in this most precious lifetime. Your past lives are changing as you come into Realization. You’re becoming supersensitive, but you can allow the natural flow physics of your energy. Happiness is simply a gift of the soul to the human.

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Trésort is the Treasure of Total Self-Trust

June 05, 2021

Communication can be multidimensional, beyond just words and language. Adamus relates a dream state gathering with 8,000 Shaumbra to discuss the seven chapters presented in this Shoud. They are transcending doubt, unlocking time so the past and future converge in the Now, realizing your true history is in your heart, breaking out of limiting boxes, trésort (self-trust, the opposite of doubt), dealing with loneliness, and a merabh for this day.

Merlin I Am Series / 10

Fracturing Time and Embracing Self-Love

July 03, 2021

During the coronavirus era, Shaumbra appreciated the joys of solitude. With time fracturing, you are not just going out of time into æterna but being in both simultaneously. People are looking how to live, for things like happiness. But for Shaumbra, it is about self-love, embracing your energy with courageous passion, and allowing the communication with your energy, the song of the soul.

Merlin I Am Series / 11

Merlin goes Beyond Time into Magic

August 07, 2021

You can transcend time, experiencing it as non-linear, connecting past and future. Star Wars metaphorically shows life before Earth, existing between the physical and ethereal realms. The universe, mainly hydrogen, helium, and oxygen, highlights cosmic simplicity. Technology and conscious choice are accelerating human evolution. Everything in your life, whether pain or pleasure, is there to serve you. You are here to be Merlin, let go of the world’s anxiety.